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Not Receiving Emails!

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Jemisa | 15:55 Fri 02nd Dec 2011 | Computers
4 Answers
I use 'Outlook Express' for my emails, I've noticed I'm not receiving the last couple of days. I can still send but not receive what can I do.
My hard-drive is rather old (11 years) do you think I should buy a new one? If so how do I go about it? I'm a bit useless with technical stuff.
If I buy one say in PC World would they come & set it up for me?



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Probably worth checking the settings to downloading e-mail. Check what the e-mail provider site says they should be set to for Express. Make sure they've not made any recent changes.

Unlikely to be anything to do with the hard drive. If that started playing up there would be worse probelms to cope with.

I'm sure PC World would love to take your PC and fit what you like in it, but maybe sort one issue out at a time ?
I've had a couple of problems with my Outlook. I just ring my ISP (BT) and they sort it straight away..........
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Thanks for your reply's, I've looked into all you suggest. I rang my ISP (Sky) & they sorted it. Said someone had tried to send me a huge att'ch & it had taken up all my space, but its sorted now and I will hang on to my hard-drive a bit longer (saving me £300.) Phew!


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