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keyplus?.......where are you?????

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Ankou | 11:55 Thu 20th Aug 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
23 Answers

come back soon, noami is missing you.


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I am here, and sad news for naomi that I have not decided to leave as yet.
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nice to see you kp.

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lol !

that may be true, but whilst he is busy away doing other things, noami has been baking furiously. 077_5fc37c3254.jpg
Ha ha! Mibs, good shot!

Keyplus, you misunderstand completely. I'd be quite sad if you left because your arguments here damage Islam more than mine ever could.
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boo hiss
Naomi. rating shows that exactly. And nice try, but I would say that my arguments refute wrong pictures painted here about Islam so that is what your biggest worry is.
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yay, all nice again
Oh, drat, Keyplus, I was really hoping you wouldn�t notice the measly rating I got. Damn! Well, you can give yourself a big pat on the back for getting three stars from Ankou because if there�s one person whose approval I would really value, it�s him - and if you believe that, you�ll believe anything. :o)

Keyplus, you are a wag, really you are. Do you honestly believe your arguments worry any of your opponents here, when they all know the minute you're stuck, which you regularly are, you beat a hasty retreat? I�m still waiting for you to get back here: ture/Religion-and-Spirituality/Question790358- 4.html

Go on, give me your usual excuses. Tell me you suddenly haven�t got time for all this, or you�ve decided it�s best to ignore me. Or maybe you should tell the truth for once and say you don't have answers to the questions people put to you. No, that would be too much to ask. How funny!

Well, Ankou�s achieved his purpose, we�ve joined in his game, and he�s happy with the result, so I don't think we need indulge him further. May I suggest we end our discussion for today - unless, of course, you�d like to join me back on that other thread?
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ya boo, noamis venom has returned, but a marked improvement is noted.

still, must do better.
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Usual stuff that I have ben witnessing for almost two years, nothing new.
Two years, hmmm . . . must be reallllly good
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good effort birdie. i have no idea what the "other thread is" but the discussion above is fascinating.

i do think that keyplus is what makes this site (the religion section anyway) but im not a god botherer. my reference to noami was just an off the cuff remark that she seems to slither around the topic cossying up with all her mates then bites all those that dont agree with her/side with her.

honestly, some people slag off chatterbank for the sniping, griping and immuendo, but this section really is no different really. and that aint becos i am here neither (before you say it).

peace and love. mwah xx

Spot on there ^^^^ Ankou. I was thinking that only I managed to work that out. Now I am glad that I am not alone.

My little birdie, No one objected at that time about Muhammad (pbuh) marrying Ayesha as there was nothing to object. For your knowledge sake, the earliest objections came from Christian missioneries centuries after that and reason was that they did not like people entering into Islam. And when they did not find anything to speak against then they started character attack. So far thathas not worked either. And finally if you still have any fever left in your little brain then my offer is still there. Any time. And do not hijack other's threads.
Congrats on the three stars Ankou! Apparently Keyplus is not your only fan . . . hmmm?
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well i do love myself, shucks, what can i say ? i'm just adorable me.

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keyplus?.......where are you?????

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