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mibn2cweus | 01:15 Tue 01st Apr 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
2435 Answers
Since Naomi will not give me the ****ing key I have decided to follow Jesus and be a Christian just like Theland. I am ashamed of my past history here so I'm going to devote the time I used to spend on ab to reading the Bible. No question really because I no longer care about what people think. I'll get all my answers from God from now on thank you.


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Oh... And I believe that in matters of love the heart is important but the head should still rule. Otherwise I'd still be seeing a married man. The heart isn't always right.
Oo-er!! OK, I apologise. (What did I do?).

Think I'd better go to bed.

Night everyone. x
Question Author
Naomi, While I doubt the necessity, all the same I acknowledge that with respect to you I might well be found guilty of preaching to the choir, and while the echoes of my message may be falling for the most part upon deaf ears, I am nonetheless inspired by your willingness to listen, evaluate and critique what I have to say, grateful for what patience you are able to afford me, yet driven by the hope and emboldened by the prospect of perhaps someday actually presenting some new fact or providing some new insight into or understanding regarding your existing knowledge.

While my shoe size remains as yet an intriguing mystery it is for the occasion to speak with a voice of reason of a love for humanity and a hope for our mutual wellbeing I would choose to be identified by any who may be capable of making such a distinction. My admiration for your sound judgment and your abilities to deliver objective criticism provides me with some assurance that when and where the observation is mutual I will be admired for the right things.
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In our search for an authentic rewarding experience it is not the effect we should attempt to replicate but the cause we should pursue. I would rather be found worthy of such admiration as I receive then to be admired at all. Attempts to impress others should they succeed nevertheless tend to leave one grasping to enjoy a shallow victory. Rather it is our selves we need to empress with the stamp of approval for a job well done. Such fuel feeds our desire to realise our greatest potential and become what would be our best, an intrinsic award indisputably fashioned out of that which made it real.

Within the confines of this forum it is the seeds of the message, not the messenger I seek to plant. While the conclusions regarding the accuracy of the message are your own to draw I fully believe my assertions apply universally to any and all rational beings the crucial difference between us being the unique context of our knowledge and the understanding of the relationship of our beliefs to reality, perspectives I hope to share.

My motives would be difficult to innumerate in light of the necessary integration of their interdependency. I believe there is a strong correlation between our mutual knowledge and understanding of reality and the potential quantitative and qualitative value of that which we have to exchange with each other to derive mutual benefit. I also believe that in the process of my revealing and your reviewing my assertions we might both gain from each others perspective an improved validity and certainty in our respective beliefs.

But enough about me . . .
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. . . not a chance. Having pushed you to an aspiration to be Miss Marple I feel that common decency demands a greater effort on my part to be more revealing.

If you want to know more about me then ask me why I�m here . . . The (obvious) reason is love (although in my case repeated inappropriate abuse of a product not intended for such applications has been cited as the cause . . . and you wonder why I am reticent to be more forthcoming).

The desire to be loved only grows stronger when it is tempered by a knowledge of what love is. Love is the one thing we enjoy giving as much as receiving when we know the one to whom we offer it is a worthy recipient in whom we can count on receiving an equal measure in return. The value of love exists in precise proportion to a mutual appreciation and understanding of that value. We demonstrate our appreciation for love by recognising its source.

Life is a precondition for love but it is reason that offers us the opportunity to define its nature and tap its source. If you want to know about something ask yourself on what it depends for its existence and identity. Can we love a kitten or a puppy? How can we not when we know the quality of their life depends so much on our own existence and the kind of person we are. Can a dog or cat love us? Does it demonstrate a positive appreciation for our existence in proportion to the love we offer it? If so it is real and not an illusion.
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Yet love has a higher calling which calls for our fostering of and respect for independence. To be something is to possess a specific nature. All life is a self-sustaining and self-regenerating process. Helping others to achieve, sustain and realise their independence defines both the helper and those helped in terms of a recognition of and conformity to reality.

With reason we are able to lend a long range vision to love ensuring that it is not just a flash in the pan or a temporary whimsical illusion created out of the hocus-pocus of smoke and mirrors but a lasting entity in its own right in possession of a self-sustaining independence that will not abandon us in some future hour of need.

It was reason that pulled me from the wreckage of a love blinded by an undefined passion and led me to discover a love derived in meaning.

Love and reason are both best represented walking hand in hand.
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I am well versed in the learning curve of falling into the grips of a hopeless helpless romance from which I emerged with a sustained belief soon to be substantiated that such is not the defining nature of romance. Through the tears I maintained a vision of what love could be and should be refusing to further entertain a suicidal fantasy of what I knew could never be. I have no regrets about the courage required to venture into uncharted waters with only my principles of responsibility and nonaggression to guide me.

I am proud of the choice and personal commitment I made regarding with whom to share my life and love with and in retrospect am pleased by my ability to cherish her even more by virtue of my experiences with less happy times. I face the challenge of giving her all the love she deserves knowing that continuously striving for self-improvement is the price that must be paid in order to meet this obligation. Who could ask for more? That I might cast the love I have realised to the wind or gamble such a loss on a whim does not warrant consideration. But then again I surmise I am only preaching to the choir.

Ironically the one attribute that is unlikely to come across in this forum with which I am perhaps most unanimously and egregiously characterised in real life is that I am a man of few words. Who would have guessed it . . . although when one ponders over the repercussions one soon realises . . . it makes perfect sense. The most effective solution found to date is to get me drunk (it doesn�t take much) forthwith I no longer feel that making sense is a prerequisite . . . not that it actually makes a whole hell of a lot of difference either way . . .
Starman, your message has most definitely not fallen upon deaf ears. I can only describe it as 'seriously toe-tingling' - literally - and for those who may not understand what that means, I can assure them it's a very good sign. Miss Marple is gathering and assessing the clues - and the mists are gradually clearing. Thank you.
Bit quiet around here.

I'm going to bed........... shhhhhhh........

Night, night. x
Question Author
. . . so I haven't entirely killed this thread yet? Must try harder! . . . ~o">

Luna, Hope your not lost
Not quite yet dear!

Right, I'm getting set up for accomodation at the hospital on Friday so that's something sorted and currently my desk looks like a bombs hit it. Excellent.

It's all rock and roll here.
No, you haven't killed the thread off, Starman. No chance of that just yet.

So, what is it China? Is it permanent? Is it shared? Not a corner of a ward, is it? Pull the curtains round - own personal TV - sheets changed regularly - very cosy. :o)

Luna, if you're there, let us know you're ok, will you?
Good morning whoever is around.

Now we have a serious problem to address. Lonnie says R&S is dying. Is it? And if so, why do you think that is? Personally I think the good-natured bantering we used to enjoy has become a thing of the past - and the place has become devoid of practically all semblance of humour. We used to lob custard pies willy-nilly, knowing full well that they would be forgotten in the next thread, but that no longer happens. Intelligent debate has been unceremoniously stifled by repeated personal slights and, frankly, inane nonsense - and that's sad. However, in the hope of doing my bit to help recover what we used to have, I shall in future do my utmost to avoid the worst of those situations - and since bad feeling seems to be fairly endemic these days, that's no mean task.

Anyway, Lonnie has posted a question, and in an attempt to support his efforts to bring about a little revival to the site, so have I - so can we please have some input there?

Coo ...... I think I'm turning into a Musketeer!!

Luna and Theland, where the hell are you? You are missed!!!!!
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Hello. Where have you been?

I know where I'm going. Goodnight. :o)
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Question Author
Naomi, Here I am working my ass off trying my hardest to sweep R&S off the face of the Earth and you're intent on breathing new life into the sleeping monster. This is a war not even a Quixote would dream of winning yet this apparent fact makes doing battle no less sweet.

No need to worry long I assure you for as long as there is someone like you prepared to open up yet another can of worms and another like me poised to take the bait. ~>�0<
Luna!! Wake up this instant!!!! You�ve come back �and you�ve gone off. Now there�s a contradiction! Flipping heck! I don�t know whether you�re coming or going!!

Haaaa! Starman, I wanted to make that noise one makes when trying to tempt a cat or dog to come - you know, puckered lips and a sort of suck-in of air that goes something like pwwwwww - but I can�t spell it. Oh well, when needs must. Come on then, Starman�.. there�s a good boy �� come to Naomi ��.. I have something nice for you. You�ll like it a lot �..that�s it �.. wag your tail (err �. perhaps not quite so enthusiastically if you don�t mind)��that�s it. Ha! Gotcha!!

I have to say I like R&S, but not so much recently because it�s become miserable, rude and aggressive. Standards have definitely not been maintained - and you know me and my standards. Phew, what?!!! And where�s all the fun gone? Blimey, we�ve not had a bit of a shindig for ages!! Must try harder!! :o)

Theland start managing! Luna, get the band together! A shindig is called for in R&S. I imagine Starman�s still got his funny blowy bottles, I�ve got my comb and paper - and China, dig out your baggy hand-knitted swimsuit with the sparklies on it, will you? You�re still not getting up on the trapeze - couldn�t stand the whinging if you broke your neck - but you can screech (oops, sorry, I mean sing) all you like - and we still have the 100 watt bulb to spotlight your solo.

How about it? Time we showed the moaners how R&S works - and just what we can do with a chorus of two of Knees Up Mother Brown and a plate of jellied eels, I reckon!! (Coo. Do I sound tough and decisive? Amazing! Pud �em up �� come on, pud �em up).

Onward, ever onward!!
Question Author
Need a little drama? Click repeatedly over above images. What fun! . . . ~o">
Haaaaa! Yes indeed, Starman! What fun!

Heavy day, so early night with Richard Dawkins. NOW we're talking fun!!

Night everyone - and as usual I wish you beautiful dreams. Mwah! x

(By the way, Luna, speaking of beautiful, did you see La Boheme? If so, your thoughts please).

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