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Is there any point debating religion, really?

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styley | 03:16 Sat 23rd Feb 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
59 Answers
I've posted and read a lot of posts relating to the topic of religion, all the for's and all the agins, and I put it to you is there any point debating it? I have my view and you have yours and the chance of either of us changing each others view is pretty slim, so let us all agree to disagree and talk of other things. That being said, I'm right and you're wrong(joking). Any thoughts?


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Catron, I don't tell lies.
How does anybody who reads your posts to know that, naomi24? We are all pixels here and can be anybody we want - who is to say you are not so anti-religion that you would make up a story to help you with your constant arguments? You will be glad to know I have no interest in discussing this further - but I am sad that you pretend you understand Christianity when you do not seem to have even the basic ideas of what a Christian is. I truly hope that one day you meet the real Jesus rather than the one you pretend to have known.
Catron, How do any of us know if anyone is what they say they are? After all, you tell me you're a Christian, but from some of your posts you don't seem to be exactly full of Christian love and kindness towards your fellow man, so I have my doubts.

However, I am delighted with the news that you have no interest in discussing this further, but do take the time to read the link I gave you. You could find it enlightening.
I could write long and lengthy answers with lots of �source� information (a la Waldo) but in all honesty I neither have the time nor inclination. This may seem a cop out, but I have a life outside of AB, a religious one at that and no amount of scrutiny/justification or superciliousness towards what I believe in � which I feel really doesn�t affect or undermine anyone here � will change my outlook on life. I just get on with it.

If someone disputes or disagrees with it, that�s fine, if they assume my beliefs are the cause of all wars past or present, or that I am controlled in some way by dogma, that�s fine too. But is it really essential for me to justify how and why I live my life like I do? Or am I allowed to object to hostile generalisations without further condemnation and rebuke? No answer I give could ever be enough, and in the same way, no amount of frenzied and frantic counter-argument or claims of my inert stupidity will convert me or cast doubts.

I think the futility of debate in R&S is that nobody knows the answer but everybody thinks they do.

Octavius - Even on this one I am with you. Few people either they are on benefits or on pension. Seems to be always here. And with plenty of time to spare.

You are right again that by giving lengthy and philosophical answers they believe that they have seas of knowledge. Others, well because they may not have enough time to do all this then they agree with them only because they have the same viewpoint. I have already asked few people that they should come out of this AB and serve the humanity with their abundance of knowledge. But they seem to prefer being Waldo's and so on instead of errrrrrrrrrrr whatever their real self is.

May be Naomi can help in convincing these REMARKABLE people.
Keyplus, what on earth are you talking about? No, please don't answer that.
* Jackthehat hands noami a brick wall*

Think you'll be needing this, love :o)
Thanks Jack. You don't have a spare hat, in a tin variety, to go with it, do you? :o),276 3,631357,00.html#article_continue

You can have my 'second best' tin hat, naomi...........
If the sentiment was good enough for Ann Hathaway...........:o)
Jack, I seem to recall Waldo speaking of raisins. What a disappointment! :o)
What better punishment could there be than to spend he rest of eternity grumbling..........."Well, I was told it was virgins!
It's not fair ! I only did it for the virgins.....bah! mutter...........mumble I don't even like raisins..........."

Perhaps, I should have posted this on the 'What makes you smile' thread in Chatterbank ?
Ha! Good idea.
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Mmm, I'm still not convinced of any point debating and methinks a lot of the posts backed my theory up, thank you. But if people want to be hateful to each other as this post has dejected to at times, rather than simply debate back and forth, perhaps you could keep it in the chatterbank, thanks.
Funnily enough, in the very process of trying to answer why it's worth debating religion, people have ended up smacking their heads against brick walls.

Which kind of sums it up.

Isn't one of the definitions of insanity doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results?
I first thought 'No' as it just makes for big arguments and nobody gives in to anyone else anyway.

but then I thought.... why not? Having the freedom to debate is what makes us intellectual beings! If we didn't debate about religion it would be something else!!!
This was a fabulous debate and I have chuckled all the way through it. Styley you are so right, nobody here is ever going to change anyone else's view, but that's not what this is all about is it? The funniest bit was the backslidden Christian and the Christian arguing (can't call that one a dignified debate, bit too up close and personal!) and I'd like to remind the Christian in question that the bible teaches against entering pointless debates!!! I'd also like to remind the backslidden Christian that most Christians are reformed athiests or agnostics and so could argue that they are as equally entitled to their beliefs because they too have seen both sides of the coin. But the truth is we are all a little bit right and all a little bit wrong, and for the biggest part we are all clueless. The main question is - am I happy for you to believe what you believe, whilst still maintaining my own values and beliefs? If I am excruciatingly honest - NO! None of us are happy for others to believe differently to us! We want them to think the same way we do. We want the joy, the pride, the higher than thou feeling of converting a soul to our faith - whether Christianity or athiesm. And if we can't convert, lets suppress each other. This site is so funny. The athiests think Christians are so suppressed and enslaved and Christians think the same of the athiests. Neither side wins anything. So why do we do it?
Because we are human and humans need to search for truth! And when we think we have found it, we will fight to the death to hold onto it and to force other people to believe what we believe.
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That was a good one actually. But wouldn't it be funny if naomi24 and Catron were one in the same.....(twilight zone music)
Yes, I guess that would be funny to some lol. However no chance whatsoever - sorry.
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Catron, nice to see you lol, even though I prefer loi(on the inside) as it's more accurate, generally. During the thread you came across quite aggressive, maybe you are just passionate on getting an answer to your questions.

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