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Atheists - The Devil's Disciples?

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naomi24 | 12:29 Sun 27th Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
70 Answers
I've been asked by a Christian ABer if I spent last night watching the Omen trilogy. Not very nice - but the question struck me as rather strange. I can't imagine why such a peculiar thought would even occur to anyone. Do these people really think that atheists are somehow aligned with the 'Devil'? And if so, why?


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"Have a bit of sense. And sensibility seems beyond you, in likening the Consecrated Host to a calorie counting problem." where as bread and wine turning into flesh and blood is so obviously feesable. To believe that shows outrageous gullibilty. :-D
This is getting complicated , we are on to transubstantiation now.
Is there a Vatican answer bank ?
I was brought up in the Christian faith and can quote parts of the Bible but when I was able to think positively and make my own decisions I realised what a lot of nonsense it was so I am an athiest. However, if anyone wants to believe I would not take their faith away from them if this is what they need to get through this difficult life. My own philosophy is make the most of what you have got because you will not get another chance.
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//where as bread and wine turning into flesh and blood is so obviously feesable.//

Ha ha! Very good. Wotchit, Ratter. Your logic's showing. ;o)
Naomi :) >>Your logic's showing.<< Im an Atheist, that's fairly logical from the oustset! lol
It's hard to tell whether you're joking or not alot of the time sandy. Surely the bread and wine thing is symbolic - how does it go? - 'Do this in remembrance of me'.

Does anyone actually believe that this 'transubstantiation' process takes place in a physical sense?
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Some do without doubt, Ludwig. Transubstantiation has to be just about the most nonsensical idea the church has ever come up with.
As an aetheist, my stance is simply an absence of belief in God, which does not leave any form of 'spiritual vacuum' as some Christains believe, certainly not one which is filled with 'The Devil'.

My major problems with Christians has always been the 'You need what I have, you just don't know it like I do ...' approach which varies from gently patronising to downright arrogance.

I have no problem with anyone believing in any form of a God, if that is what comforts them, it's simply not a belief Ishare, and unlike them, I never struggle to explain and justify the dreadful things that occur around us - they just do.
I try to be a Christian, and probably fail, I certainly have no difficulty with people not sharing my view, in fact Atheists have the best argument, but I have always found comfort from my religion (C of E) and see no reason to change, or make any attempt to explain the dreadful happenings in this world in which we live.
It seems to me that it is some, not all, Atheists who choose to be patronising towards people who have any faith.
I don't patronise them. I prefer to be straightforward and just tell them they are supporting a faith based on fascist values, which exalts genocide, bigotry, prejudice and misogyny.
Your comments beso appear to be, what you consider, facts, I believe you are wrong.
What we will both agree on is that neither of us knows the facts.
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Tony, sorry, I'm confused. How can you claim to believe in something if you don't believe you know the facts? I've never met a person of faith who doesn't believe he knows the facts. Could you elaborate please?
Beso wrote 'pride and prejudice' and I answered, quick as a flash, with, sense and sensibility, and nobody seemed to notice.
I don't know why I bother...
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You're wasted here Sandy .... but if I could just use a little Persuasion....? :o)
I think a lot must depend on you you meet. I can't recall knowing a believer who thought they knew everything. But they knew what they believed to be so.
Naomi, you and I both know that you're The Female Philosopher here on AB. But if I played The Generous Curate you'd still be The Beautiful Cassandra running down all I say.
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OG, I didn't say a believer knows everything, but like you, those I have met have always claimed to know what they do believe to be so.
The Omen trilogy? Saturday? Missed it Saturday is Black Mass night and the virgin was really unhelpful.
if somebody asked me if i regularly watched theomen trilogy or if i was aligned with the devil, quite frankly i wouldn't give a sh_t.

why are you as sensitive and verbose as your religious couterparts ? to be hurt by their words is a mystery to me.
I don't claim to know much, 'let alone know it all'. I don't even know if I'll be saved. I can do no more than hope and pray for salvation.

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