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The likes of Elderman, Sith, Truthabounds and Elderman. Do they actually think they will ever achieve anything?

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RATTER15 | 11:53 Fri 11th Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
130 Answers
Do they actually think they will ever achieve anything with all this Bible bashing, Whilst everyone generally gives them an ear bashing and many will mock their determined efforts.
What is their cause? do they really think they will ever convert anyone, I think most people just find them a bit irritating and a waste of time.


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I'm quite sure Naomi doesn't want maleing ;-)
oops, how Freudian
Agree about Elderman and Truthabounds, but not Sith surely? He strikes me as being quite friendly and very young - I like him anyhows !!!
Maleing? Mmmm ..... now hang on a minute, B00. Who says I couldn't be tempted? ;o)))

I'll explain why I say these people are dangerous. Apart from knowing people personally whose strict religious upbringings have scarred them mentally for life, and some whose futures, marriages, and homes, have been destroyed by the effects of religion, I once returned to my office from lunch to find the place in utter chaos with all my younger members of staff hysterical and in floods of tears because an older staff member - a bible-thumping Christian - had gathered them together and told them that unless they were 'Born Again', they were doomed to hellfire for eternity. Some of those young girls literally clung to me begging me to tell them it wasn't true. I've never forgotten that dreadful day - and that is one of the reasons I will always challenge this hateful, evil philosophy. The fact is people of religion know no more about life - or death - than anyone else, and yet they are arrogant enough to consider themselves qualified to preach to others regardless of the damage that may do. That might be acceptable to those who are incapable of distinguishing rational challenge from 'counter-preaching', but in my 'book' it is not acceptable and it never will be.
Sandy .. 'stony ears'! chapter and verse please.
lol, no ratter...i am not trying to convert anyone (theres already many people converting to islam as it is) i am just giving my views as you, naomi and many others do.
oh, and thank you notasyoung...i appreciate that alot :)
jomifl, I coined 'stony ears' myself. It's a bit more elegant than 'cock a def 'un, and could be read as having the same meaning.
as one person had said previously that this was a very poor taste to single us does not affect me negatively as i have not tried to be negative to anyone in anyway. i have only ever tried to explain and give what i believe. and yes, i am not the best and not the most knowleadgable person here, but that doesnt mean im gonna give up because other people are better than me, no, im doing it not to convert, not to ridicule or make fun of, but to just share my views and learn from others in the process. however as i have said in previous posts, if anyone makes fun of me and tries to make me look like a fool, i will answer back in the same tone, if someones respectful, ill be respectful to them :)
Tut tut Sandy ..methinks you are playing fast and loose with the word of the lord. You will be say that atheists have stony minds next ;-)
I've found many of them to have closed minds, and to be stony faced when they're challenged about their faith.
^ and probably stony hearted too but not stony broke as they haven't given all their worldly goods to the pope;-)
Mark 8:36 :-)
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Sandy, strangely I cannot lay my hands on a bible of any version so you will have to clarify that coded message unless it was personal.
Thanks Sandy.. I have of course heard that a few times and agree with the sentiment if not the actual wording :-)
That presupposes we have got a soul.
I've got no problem with sith (morning, sith), he's eager and sharing his views, not proselytising.
It's the others which are akin to banging your head on a thick brick wall. Naomi, that experience in your office is dreadful.
I'm painting myself into a corner here. I originally came to ironically mock but now find myself defending the indefensible.
I think I'll have to give all questions of a religious nature a miss from now on.

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The likes of Elderman, Sith, Truthabounds and Elderman. Do they actually think they will ever achieve anything?

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