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Religion & Spirituality

Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.

Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

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Hardly a question but : Due to totally overwhelming demand in naomi24's Water Divining thread, (well 2 requests actually) here is a basic description of an alternative view of time I mulled over....
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Taking Genesis at its face value, did God deliberately provoke Cain to such intense anger that he killed Abel.
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Could it be that they have unfinished business here, like Hamlet's Fathers?
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It was my father's funeral yesterday - I don't recall him ever going into a church outside of weddings and funerals etc. so I arranged a humanist funeral. Even though this was Oxford there was a...
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granny grump
I received a mailing today from the above society - completely out of the blue and of no interest to me whatsoever. It amazes me where they get these lists of addresses from I will send it back and...
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Why the police haven't been involved in this?:
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So it seems that the Russian Orthodox Church has been heavily complicit in the recent wave of aggression from the Russian state. Alongside the better-publicised law against "homosexual propaganda", a...
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If we all beieved in God and a final Day of Judgement but no Religion at all would the world be a better or worse place. ?
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In discussions on R&S both here and elsewhere one often hears questions like Why are you bothered? Why don't you just let people believe what they want? What harm does religion do? This is one example...
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How does this work, for example, why is the pope a 'higher' catholic than the chap who works in my local chippy? Is he just better at believing?
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The Church of England has told parishioners that fracking causes environmental problems and urges believers to consider their Christian duty to act as "stewards of the earth". Do Christians have a...
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There Is No God, the Wicked Sayeth "There is no God," the wicked saith, "And truly it's a blessing, For what He might have done with us It's better only guessing." "There is no God," a youngster...
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"Following an interview on Channel 4 on Sharia law, Islamists have threatened Sudanese secular campaigner and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain Spokesperson Nahla Mahmoud with death, calling her a...
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I do not understand why the Jews have been, and are still being in some quarters, persecuted by Christians. Jesus was a Jew, as were his entire family, the people to whom he preached, and all of his...
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AB Editor
Morning, I was wondering how a new franchise takes over a church. For example, what if there was a little Baptist church run by a Baptist priest/vicar and then, for some reason, the church was sold to...
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The two most revered persons in Chriistianity are Jesus and Mary, but in the bible Mary is barely, if ever, mentioned . 1. During Jesus's life . ? 2. '' trial . ? 3. '' Crucifixion ? 4. at the tomb ?...
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Never heard of Raelism until I saw it in today's Gaurdian ::: How can any sane, educated person actually believe this nonsense. It makes Scientology look...
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This emanates from another thread where two people who have been raised as Christians and have and do argue here in favour of religion dismissed the notion that people see ghosts. The question is if...
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Hi Naomi, You asked for a message here if Sir Alec came back. She is on the Good Morning thread today x...

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