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Religion & Spirituality

Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.

Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

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Anyone here tempted to take Sam Harris up on his challenge?
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Why do you not believe in a God?...
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Why should humans believe in you?
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The fact is that you can not see God does not disprove the existence....
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I asked a large group of theists why God killed so many innocent babies and infants in the OT. Here was the answer for the Canaan slaughter . //God knew that if these Canaanite children were allowed...
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Why do you believe in God?...
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Professor Kaku noted scientist and T.V. science guru believes in the existence of eternal vacuum energy BEFORE the Big Bang, and this would / could be God Himself, who coalesced some of His being into...
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AB Editor
This is a satire, right? Can anyone spot the bit where they say "this is a work of fiction and just for fun"?...
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Some equate Faith with guibiility.
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People lie for many reasons. Some think they are obligated to lie about their abilities in order to get ahead in this competitive world. Others try to cover up errors or guilt with lies. Still others...
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One of my pals' eldest has started Philosophy as one A Level option, and I was chatting about the Philosophy of Religion, and how it relates to Theology. And this came up ... People say prayers. But...
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So assuming the whole jesus thing didn't happen, somebody at some point would have come up with this elaborate story, told his mates, got them on board and they they start to pass the word around. How...
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Innocent little girls wishing to join the Brownies or Girl Guides may have to stop pledging their devotion to God because some parents have voiced objections. Can this forcing them onto the...
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You've had your fun. Please stop. I wasn't having a go at you personally, only the ones that resort to name calling rather than giving a valid argument. And Don't I have a right to a point of view...
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We are fast approaching the time of the year when we will get the trick & treaters on our doors. Halloween is celebrated in several countries of the Western world, most commonly in Ireland, the United...
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Iggle Piggle
I have personal experience of this feeling of dread and being a fully rational person cannot explain what it is or what causes it. My particular experience was in an old house. Mooching the lower...
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Are religious people more gullible than the non-religious? Or is it just American religious people?
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A further example of what appears to be the needless death of a child because the parents believed that prayer would be sufficient to cure their children. I find such a fundamentalist belief truly...
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The house must have been coming down with mice. The new traps have killed six in only two days. If animals do have a soul is it fair to dispatch them unshriven from this world?...
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Are you enjoying your Eternal existence ? You may notice I said Existence not life because our sub atomic particles have been , are being , and will continue to be recycled eternally. No one and...

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