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Oh Getting His Vaccine On Thursday.

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Caran | 23:51 Tue 05th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I'm so relieved as he has had cancer twice and is very nervous about going out.
My brother is an idiot. He thinks covid doesn't exist even though my daughter, SIL and all The grandchildren have had the virus.
He thinks it's a huge conspiracy.


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Yes, your brother is an idiot.
That's brilliant news Caran
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My brother lives on his own. Only goes out on a Sunday to do his shopping and buy his only newspaper.
He has more money than he knows what to do with.
He never sees anyone else. Yet he was a brilliant engineer and inventor much respected in his industry.
How people change!!
Great news, Caran.

My nan and parents are getting theres done on Friday and my son's other nan is having hers on Thursday.
I wonder which newspaper he buys that he thinks Covid is a conspiracy. A conspiracy by whom; to what end?
Glad ur Husb is eligible so soon. My husb hasn’t got his notification yet but as he is vulnerable (blood cancer in remission) he shld be soon.

He (and myself) were concerned about vaccine at first (so scared something will trigger the leukaemia again) but ....we are now thinking he will likely go for vaccine ... I don’t see any way forward without it.

As for ur Bruv being a sceptic .... well I can (partly) understand as up until recently I have had thoughts that media etc has overplayed the covid issue....(always believed it existed tho and adhered to the rules)

Now tho i think (for me) something has clicked and I’m realising this is serious ***.
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He has the Sunday express as he checks the crossword with me sometimes!
// He thinks it's a huge conspiracy.//

Old Age is unkind to people. I have a sibling who is in conspiracy denial, and I look at him and think "god you werent like this 30y ago, what on earth has happened?"
and the answer is .......
oh and blood ca in remission seems to be cat 4 which is Feb sometime
the deaths are now mainly in the over 80s
so they are getting it first - of which there are over a million
that's good news Caran. Your brother is a fool. I heard of someone this evening who went from healthy to on a ventilator in a matter of a couple of days.
Good news about your husband Caran.
Good news about your husband getting the vaccine Caran.
Don't be too hard on your brother, I've been surprised at the number of people who think there is no Covid, and even more surprised about the number of people of all ages who have said they won't have the vaccine.
I'm having mine on Friday. I was off last week so my immediate colleagues were vaccinated before me.

We've been threatened once again with redeployment to the wards as the crisis is set to worsen in the coming weeks, so I'm pleased to be receiving the jab.

Apparently loads of Clinical staff have booked their slots and not turned up. They must be insane!
MIL has severe COPD, skin cancer and a pacemaker is 83 and still has not had hers.
We were one of the lucky few trusts in the country chosen to roll out the vaccine, MM. I can't believe so many are failing to show up for it.

My nan has had hers but she's 94. She had a nasty fall and cut her head open just a couple of hours after getting the jab, poor thing. She was really shaken.
My daughter gets hers tomorrow ( thank God) she's classed as a frontline worker , she had to ring our GPs and ask to be 'recoded', the reception said someone would ring her that day and within 20minutes a GP rang her and asked if she wanted Thursday or Friday , it was as easy as that
That's good to hear, Bobbi. I might be a frontline worker myself in the coming days and weeks. I just hope I don't get sent to the mortuary.
Omg, Noo, that would terrify me Lcg, my daughter manages a fairly large dental practice and before that was a senior dental nurse ( same practice) she's no longer * patient facing* as she's in her office most of the day or working from home but obviously the rest of the nurses and Dentists are and she comes in contact with them all the time, the whole of the practice is to be vaccinated , she , herself has applied to be a vaccinator as she's fully qualified to to that
Well I hope she gets hers soon no doubt she will be on the phone to her drs before much longer, she also needs an eye operation soon.
Do you think teachers who are working full time with the children of key workers should get the vaccine?

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