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Ba Humbug - Christmas

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FP | 17:10 Fri 05th Nov 2004 | People & Places
34 Answers

Am I alone in not really liking Christmas?  I don't like the period leading up to it  by the time it arrives I am bored to death with it.  I feel elated when 1st January arrives!   I don't remember feeling so badly about it years ago when it started in December instead of September, and, of course, it's magic for children - but  I just don't like it at all any more.




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 Fakeplastic , I absoloutely hate it with it a passion,when it gets to october I start to dread the upcoming months then all the decorations,cards etc start coming out and i can't just cant get excited over the whole thing and can't understand these people that get obsessed with it and spend hundreds of pounds and get themselves in debt its all about money now which has took the joy out of it.

The day itself is utterly boring -its nice to see my family don't get me wrong but theres nothing on t.v and i just stuff my face  and get really fat!


I normally go on holiday for xmas and new year to escape when we can and i dont own any decorations or even a tree! im such a scrooge- can't wait for the whole thing to be over and done with -  rant over !!

roll on 2005 the quicker the better ! x

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Yes, Mully, people spend and spend and get themselves into tremendous debt.  The pressure put on people by all the hype in the media is wicked really.  I don't think your a scrooge, just sensible! x

I can't disgree with those of you who have said that the retail industry has gone mad over Christmas, and having it for almost 3 months a year means it is less special.  BUT, for me Christmas still has many redeeming features. I am not at all religious, so I don't even pretend it has any deep meaning for me, but having young children reminds you that in today's world there is not much magic and wonderment left, children grow up very quickly, and those few years when they believe in Santa are truly wonderful.   It forces me to write letters to people I wouldn't keep in touch with otherwise. Yes writing the cards can be laborious, and I don't like doing it, but without the excuse of Christmas I would have lost touch long ago with people who have been important in my life. And it brings our family together for a day every Christmas Eve, this makes Grandma and Grandpa SO happy, it is shameful we don't do it more often, but I just know we wouldn't without the excuse of Christmas.  I'm not saying it's right that modern society has ended up like this, but it's a fact. I will be one of the Who's down in Whoville, singing despite the fact that I have no roast beast or presents. Just so long as I've still got my mulled wine. Seasons Greetings to you all!
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Kags, I must admit that I did all I could to make Christmas a wonderful, magical time when my son was little and think that all children should have this experience.   


I especially enjoyed all the various tipples that were left out for Santa after my son had finally gone to bed and to sleep at about 3.00 am! 

I answered a question similar to this recently.  I don't like most of it but I love the way the children enjoy it.  I don't like:

Shops who start selling decs/cards/gifts in the middle of October!

Putting up decorations(ruins the paintwork).

Sending/Recieving cards(waste of money).

Pretending I enjoy being dragged to the outlaws for dinner.

Knowing that mother-in-law(outlaw) says dinner will be at 2 p.m. when I know damn well we won't be sitting down before 3.15.

Said m-i-l giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek(I'm 39 for f*cks sake!) and I'll end up stinking of Opium perfume for the next 3 hours.

Having to jump up and down in the bin to squash in all the wrapping paper/packaging from all the presents.

Knowing that I'll shortly be returning to work and fixing broken bones/teeth/faces because people couldn't exercise a little restraint and brotherly love over the 'Festive' period.

Also, what is the big fuss over a New Year?


Bah Humbug!

It's only us, the public, that can change things!!  I love Christmas, but refuse to get carried along with being pressurised into starting to buy my pressies in September!! Personally, i think that there should be a total ban on any sort of commercial advertising / commercial decorating and selling of Christmas cards / wrapping paper e.t.c, until AT LEAST December 15th.  It can then be left up to the individual to decide when they want to start buying pressies, but at least we won't all be sick to the back teeth of hearing Crimbo songs in shops in October and having to have our cards written by November!!  It's ludicrous!  Bring back a good, old fashioned Christmas!

I'm going to buck the trend - I hated it when I was little and now I like it.  That is because I am Jewish, and when I was little I go SO SICK of people doing all these Christmas things, and all the Christmas songs in the stores, and people saying Merry Christmas to me... I just despised the holiday.


Now I am married to someone who was raised Christian, and have really started to enjoy getting the tree, setting up the decorations, etc.  Also, now our son is 2, and last year he really noticed the lights, etc... and I think this year is going to be very much fun.


I do agree about the rampant consumerism though - yuck.

I'm going to be difficult and say that I love Christmas. I always have and always will. I love the ancient decorations that emerge year after year each with a fond family memory. I love the fact that even though I know something will go wrong in the kitchen my family will always say it was the best ever dinner. I love the fact that even though I usually know what gifts I'm having the surprise and shouts of joy never fail to light up faces.


  • My mum died at Christmas 2000 and even though most AB'ers know I'm a Christian the pain is still intense, no-one is immune from this suffering, but it also intensifies my need to enjoy the small things around me. There is a lot of tackiness and commercialism but we do have a choice whether we indulge in it - or not. I also think about the homeless and the lonely but they are with us 365 days of the year, not only at Christmas - so those that mention this perhaps they could help out at a Night Shelter or with the salvation Army if they feel that this is for them.

Message for Fakeplastic, leave QM alone - he's mine!

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If I was single Cetti, I would honestly help out in a night shelter.  However, I do have a family and for them I provide a decent Christmas.  

QM should be flattered with us ladies fighting over him! 

Who is QM?


Sorry Fakeplastic, I didn't mean to offend about the night shelter- it was not directed at anyone I just didn't word it very well.
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Cetti, you didn't offend at all.  On looking at my answer I can see why you thought I might have thought this way. 

I agree with this despise for all the overkill/consumerism/familial obligations. I was raised catholic and am just now starting to question my faith and don't even know what christmas is about anymore. I too have amassed great debt on useless pressies... Ba Humbug! I'm just trying to spread sincere goodness this year and avoid all that crap. It really does exhaust me.
Unfortunately fakeplastic my bf would never set foot in a church as he doesn't believe at all and would see it as hypocritical. I do respect that and would never ask him to go with me. I do wish my family still went but I don't wanna push anyone into it.

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