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missjef | 18:03 Mon 03rd Jul 2006 | People & Places
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has anyone met anyone famous and been really suprised by how nice they were, or how rude they were? its always interesting to find out what they're like when you meet them.


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I've met David Beckham, and he was lovely. Much yummier in the flesh than on TV. Victoria Beckham was horrible and snotty. Frank Bruno didn't have any socks on with his shoes. I saw Dermot O'Leary up by Arsenal the other day, and he was very short! I'm 5'4" and he was littler than me, I reckon.
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its good to hear that david beckham lives up to all the rumours that he's a nice man! ive heard that dermot o'leary is really short too! he seems really lovely too!
Near where I work I see lots of celebs every day, mainly TV presenters, occasionally a singer, film star or sports personality. Generally the ones I say hello to are pleasant and reply back with a greeting. I think usually if they are out and about and you try to hassle them by asking for an autograph etc, they would be very different.

Last week I saw Vernon Kay (very tall), Amy Nuttal (very attractive) that girl from T4 Popworld (too busy chatting on her mobile) and Gilian McKeith (even shorter than Dermot). Bumped into Chris Martin and Rowan Atkinson on another occasion. All very sound if the only thing you are after is a smile/hello.
Well, they're just people. So obviously some are nice and some aren't...

But if you're collecting, my latest was Jude Law who I did some filming with last week. And he's a lovely guy.
I saw Moira Stuart, who is even skinnier in real life, a week later my aunt saw her and said hello, she replied rather rudley.

Have also dined on the next table to Woody Allen, he looks exactly the same in real life as he does on scree. The waiter forgot to return to his table for orders, do Woody Allen got up an politely asked him to take an order.

I also sold a book to Dustin Hoffman when I was working in a bookshop, he's a very nice guy, we had a conversation about the book he was buying. Bit shorter than I expected though.
I met Trevor Francis in the 1970s and he was absolutely horrid.

I've never forgiven him. :)

I had a cuddle off Giant Haystacks. He was a real delight.
I,ve met Muhammed Ali {lovely fella} Marvin Hagler {very polite} seeing he was an animal in the ring {boxing} and last but not least, Chubby Brown { he was really foul mouthed}
Laurie, I thought you said on here weeks ago that you WERE Mohammed Ali
Cobra, your correct again, it must be all the punches i have taken over the years
I've met Richard E Grant - his nice, funny and friendly. I've also met Janet Jackson - rude, Rebbie Jackson (Michael and Janet's oldest sister) - fantastic and wondeful. I've also met Jermaine Jackson - fancies himself, Tito Jackson - rude and 3T (Tito's sons, Janet's nephews) - Taj - fine, Taryll - bigheaded, fancies himself and ride, TJ - same as Taryll. La Toya - fantastic, Joe Jackson - fantastic, Katherine (Kate) Jackson - rude.
I've met Sandy Lyle (golfer) - rude, Nick Faldo (average, no big deal), Rodney A Grant (Wind in his hair from Dances with Wolves) - OK, Robin Williams - fine, Issac Hayes - fine, chatty.

met cannon and ball on blackpool front last year. v nice blokes and my mates bro has been on tour with paul ogrady when he was a drag artist and says he's brilliant to work for
Here are a few people I can remember meeting

Entertainment & the Arts:
Cliff Richard - Surprisingly, he seemed almost 'shy'.
George Hamilton IV (Country singer) - Warm and outgoing
Marti Cain (Singer & TV compere) - Surprisingly 'standoffish'
Miss England (I can't remember which one) - Socially awkward
Ken Loach (Film director) - Only interested in his own projects
Ted Hughes (Poet Laureate) - Odd!

Gordon Banks - Warm and outgoing
Howard Wilkinson - Arrogant and egotistical
Laurie McNenemy - Pig-headed and argumentative
Jack Charlton - Wonderfully warm and friendly. (It was always mpossible to stay either serious or sober in his company!)
Keith Hackett (FIFA Referee) - Warm, friendly & helpful.
Uriah Rennie (Premier League Referee) - Warm & friendly, plus a great sense of humour

Geoff Boycott - Arrogant
Ian Botham - Friendly but likes to be at the centre of everything
David Llloyd - Quiet and reserved
Michael Vaughan - Quiet but with obvious intelligence

Sir John Osborne - Unintillegent and out of touch with everyone
Tony Blair - Impossible to see behind the smiling veneer.

Princess Michael of Kent - Polite but distant
Duchess of Gloucester - Down to earth

Terry Waite (Beirut hostage - only 'met' through lengthy e-mail correspondence) - A great sense of humour
Seb Coe - Seemed rather shy but obviously exceptionally intelligent

I was talking to the Edge's mum the other day - very nice, normal lady.
got to say butterfly, a friend of mine sees Moira Stuart a lot and says she's a lovely person; maybe your aunt just caught her on a bad day - it happens to all of us. I remember meeting Cilla once, about 30 years ago - long before the telly career - and she was nice but nothing special. Bryan Ferry too; he was intelligent and thoughtful.
Jenny Eclair was lovely. I was in a bookshop browsing and she just started chatting to me about a book I was looking at it. We chatted about books for about 10 minutes. She was really nice.

Also served Brian Blessed with a cup of tea and a piece of cake at Brimham Rocks in Yorkshire many years ago and he was charming, very chatty and complimented me on my tea making skills!!
maureen lipman- lovely, down to earth and really funny
henry cooper- lovely, a real sweetheart
jimmy tarbuck- incredibly arrogant

for those of you who are old enough- julian pettifer- a really nice bloke

saw nick hancock one day on his way to the races- could not believe how short he was!- but still yummy looking
surprised to hear Gillian McKeith is so short Octavius - do you think she should change her diet?
met Leonardo Di Carpio in China Whites in London, very tall.

Spoke to Paul Dannan in Break for the Border Restaurant on Tottenham Court Rd
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i would never have thought that leonardo di caprio would have been tall. thats a suprise.
Leo's 6 foot.

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