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Frost Today For Anyone ?

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mikey4444 | 08:51 Sun 22nd Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Did anybody wake up to frost today, or even snow ? Cold here in Swansea but not that bad.


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Still a bit icy from yesterday
Snow yesterday and frost today.
Frost for the first time this morning
Neither that I've seen in Manchester, yesterday or today. It is really cold though.
The first frost of the season here in South Lincolnshire.
Question Author would help if we knew where you are !
very cold and wet..bird baths and puddles frozen..but no frost on ground ..too wet ...
Sorry mikey, made assumptions :-) I'm in Dorset
Question Author
Frost as far south as Dorset ? Goodness !
Had a covering of snow here in Leicestershire on Friday morning but soon disappeared with the rain .
bits of frost around on the grass and cold

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Frost Today For Anyone ?

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