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Nottingham - a dangerous city?

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kriska25 | 16:33 Sun 03rd Apr 2005 | People & Places
21 Answers

I�m going to study in Nottingham next year and i�ve been told that it�s a dangerous city to live in because of the criminality. Is that true? Which are the most dangerous areas in the city? What about Clifton? Is it a safe area to live? Thanks.



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The reality is that most of the city is entirely fine, and an entirely normal place to live.

There are certain parts of the town which are poverty stricken and drug infested and have high levels of crime. Other areas are very upmarket and full of millionaires, but it's equally not true that Nottingham is a hotbed of high earners.

I'm not from Nottingham, but my sister has lived there for 7 years, and seems OK with her 3 teenage sons growing up there. The eldest is a student and I know he goes to some nightclubs etc. I know she would have moved had it all been bad. I live in Teeside and people give horrendous reports about crime & people here. But I know loads of students new to the area who love it and find good places to go. I think student unions give the ins and outs of where's good and bad etc. and how to keep yourself safe. Good Luck

Are you at Trent or the Uni? the areas where the Uni students live - Lenton, Dunkirk, Beeston are safe enough because they're so popuated with students. Burglary is rife but that's typical for studenty areas I reckon.

The Trent areas (the ones where folk with departments in the city centre, as opposed to Clifton Campus, live) are slightly nearer to the dodgy bits, particularly St Anne's (the area where that poor girl got shot).

notts is ok really but dont go into st. annes, thats the worst bit

I think the whole Nottingham gun crime/binge drinking capital issue has all been totally blown out of proportion by the press.  I may have only lived here for 4 years or so, but in that time I can honestly say I’ve not seen first hand a single iota of trouble.  Maybe I’ve been lucky, but I know I’m not the only one, I would (and do) feel safe walking in the city centre late at night to look for a taxi and feel really sad that this city has been getting such a bad rap of late.


I’ve never been a student here, but it seems to me there are hundreds of brand new student flats popping up all over the city so I believe there is plenty of choice for you.  I’d agree with the others, avoid St Ann’s and to some extent The Meadows.  As for Clifton, again not an area I know, but given my recollections of being a student I personally would go for somewhere a little closer to town, simply to avoid the extortionate late night taxi fares!
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Thank you all.
I used to live in Clifton.  As far as I am concerned it has quietened down a lot.  You still get the odd character, but nothing as bad as St Annes, Meadows and Forest Fields.  Cliftoners tend to stick to their own and not mix.  I went to NTU and spent many a happy time at the Student Union, whose name I could never remember (benenson?)
i live in nottingham, it is as the radio station suggests the worlds best city, for many reasons, but i also believe that it is the most dangerous city in england. Areas such as st annes, the meadows, radford, lenton, sneinton and broxetowe are defintaly no go areas unless you live there or you have friends or family there. with the number of different gangs, drug related violence and killings have increased. 'Shottingham' has the largest A&E in europe which treats the most gunshot wounds in the UK. But i still love the city, no matter how bad it is
I live in St. Anne's, and I've lived in places in London such as Croydon, Brixton and Hackey, and not one of them is as rough as St. Anne's, it's not even gangs where blakcs shoot whites, its "I see a guy, lets shoot him, oh it's my mate, who cares" sorta situation, I've been stabbed 4 times in 2 years, (Mainly because I have some rough friends) and It's just not what you want in a life.

I also know a guy, came into work, all depressed, after 3 days of not seeing him at all, I asked, where've you been? what's happened? and here's the story:

his gf's ex boyfriend had gone to her house, killed her, sent him a message saying "come here and see me" planning to kill him, he was late, and didnt get there in time, he got there to find the police had allready caught him,,,,, just another day in the life of someone in St. Annes im afraid.

DON'T MOVE HERE, choose Lenton or Dunkirk

sayin ppl

i live in st.annes(stannz) and i am a meber of the most well known and notourius drug dealin, gun slangin gangz in nottingham,iv lived all over iv lived in quenz new york and also places in london, n non ov dem are as bad as eya,get meh, dont go movin to shottingham,iv bin shot 2wice 4 no reason reli i know many ppl hu av bin shot, stabbed beated 4 no reason jus dontm ove eya it reli ant worth it

i av lived in nottingham 4 tym n al am gona say is sum part r rough sum parts r nice but woteva ya do do NOT go into st anns or da medows god elp u if u r in the rong place at the rong tym if u wana b ded den yh go ahed go st anns or medows but uda wise stay out ! and who NO GO AREA at nyt tym drugs fights alchol its unbelivable u walk threw there 99 % u wil get randomli started on its not worth it cuz its jus riskin ya lyf its medows vs st anns n dats how its always gona be at the end of it al medows started it with the whole fire issure and i reckon st anns wil finsish it but lets c wen sum1 else lyk danielel beccon is gona b shot i asure u it wil take place in nottingham it has a rep as " shottingham " just dont go der just dont go into notts its not wurth it . it reli int fankz xx


even though notts has its bad sides it has its good.. DONT LIVE IN RADFORD< ST> ANNES OR MEADOWS>. clifton isnt the best either. lenton is nice!!

nottingham a dangerous city,ha ha ha ha,its only been made a hotspot by wannabe yardie(how u say rude boys)lol
me n my family used 2 liv in st annes n thats were i woz born lived ther 4 bout 2-3 years n moved cuz it woz very rough n this woz in the 90's moved 2 arnold afta so god nos wot 2 fink of st annes now i suggest dont live there lol im movin 2 clifton bit l8er in life c ya soon clifton by the way i now liv in ****** boston i h8 it evry1 noes each otha n evry1 thinks ther ard wen ther not all mouth dont get me rong ther r sum ard ppl bout but i feel like jus sendin em 2 nottingham n c if ther as big as they fink they r
i have lived here all my life nottingham is a bad place to live if u live in the bad areas..i have lives in all of the worst areas...and i have been shot at on 6 seperate occaisons...4 of which i got hit..the first time by two bullets the second buy 1 the third by 3 and the fourth by 5...that happend in st.anns and top valley which nobody mentioned....the worst places, the meadows...forest fields...radford...strelley...bulwell...snapewood (in bulwell)....broxtowwe...i mite of mised som out
Yeah Notts is fairly bad if you look for the crime, if you go to places like Meadows, Clifton, Radford and Basford you might find trouble and could end up in hospital but its unlikely unless you go there late at night and stare at people... But i would not advise going to stannz (st. ann's) at any time unless you have to because the slightest look at someone could end your life. i live in notts, im a martial artist and im scared of going to stannz incase i run into trouble... i play basketball in the meadows so im ok there... but i never want to go to stannz.
I used to live in nottingham .
and have done my whole life.
Nothing has ever happened to me there.
Ive lived in clifton,st.annes,
stapleford . stapleford was the best its lovely there.
clifton is mainly just drugs tbh and so is st.annes.
there hasnt been many murders there recently i think its getting alot better.
If you just keep aware you'll be fine trust me:)xxxxxx
well nottinghams not bad
well the worst places in this city are:
st anns
bullwell (certain areas)
Aspley (certain areas)
I also wanted to find out about an area and its criminal statistics when I was moving home. I found this website to be of great use,, as it provides a NP1 package that includes loads of info about an area including criminality, school catchment areas, race, house prices etc.

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