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Help With Jewellery!

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DonnaLouise26881 | 00:27 Sun 03rd Mar 2024 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers

I have been passed down some jewellery from my grandparents. 2 rings. One is silver and the other is gold which I'm certain has a 750 stamp on it but also has another kind of metal on it too. I have googled trying to find out more about the rings but there is just so much to go through. Is there anyone here that has any knowledge or experience with jewellery or who can point me in the right direction as to where to get help/advice.




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Any reputable jeweller should be able to give a valuation. You might have to pay


Are you in the UK? The 750 means it is 18 carat gold.

As said, a good jeweller or auction house will tell you more.

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