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Is It A Deliberate Ploy?

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lynbrown | 10:24 Sat 10th May 2014 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers
Husband just back from the local Tesco Metro and he tells me not a single person operated till was available. He was forced to use the self service option, which neither of us like. We will give it a miss if this is to be standard procedures. Are they trying to cut staff costs?


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If it's later in the evening then I suppose they don't need as many staff working, if they had to employ more then costs would go up or they might make the decision to close earlier leaving people without a very welcome service. Economics, pure and simple.

That sounds like I'm a defender of self service, I'm not, I hate the blimmin things.
there's usually a setup in place that someone will come and put stuff through the self service till for you if there are no staffed tills open.
I've not seen that before - there's usually someone around to help for when the machines go wrong as they often do. Maybe they're just short-staffed today.
//there's usually someone around to help for when the machines go wrong as they often do.//

at Tesco's auto check out, I invariably get ID-ed when I buy paracetomol. invariably I stand there like a lemon for up to 5 minutes waiting for someone to be bothered to reset the machine. Invariably I now go to ASDA.
I think they are just easing us in to the new way of shopping. I think there will come a time when we are all used to this new system when staff will be reduced and people will lose their jobs.

While living in Dover area I went to the 'new' B & Q, loaded up a trolley, had to have assistance as some of it was quite big/heavy, got to the Tills, they were all S/service, no-one answered the buzzer for assistance, so I just walked out, left the lot by the Tills, their loss, will not use them again, there's plenty of choice where we live now!
Baldric - that's a regular thing in our B & Q, as I am a small lady & disabled I often need help with big stuff so don't go there anymore on my own.
In our local Tesco express, after about 6.30 p.m. they shut all the manned tills, leaving only the self-service option. The fun you have trying to get the machines to accept coupons is great, and invariably the staff spend an awful lot of time trying to help you out (even on occasions blowing them into the slot to get them accepted).

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