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Chemistry Homework

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JOBO1 | 21:48 Wed 11th Nov 2015 | Science
24 Answers
Can anyone help with this chemistry question. Any help would be appreciated

Which of these would turn to a gas last.


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'Help' as in provide you with direct answers that you can claim as your own or help as in direct you towards places where you can research and find out for yourself?
Q1 What makes an element become gas?
What do you mean by last ?
The one with the highest boiling point.

You should know the boiling point of water (at standard pressure). It's 100C.

Everything else in your list is an element, so you simply need to look for the highest boiling point in this list:
Q2 Do your elements start at standard temperature and pressure?
Question Author
An answer would be great.
...that's the end of that then!
-- answer removed --
With respect JOB01, that's cheating. You can't learn anything without working things out for yourself, do you intend to complete your whole schooling/college by just going online and asking people to provide you with answers?
All you have to do is read my list from the bottom up until you come to one of the elements you've mentioned.

That's the one with the highest boiling point, so that's your answer!
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Thanks everyone for you replies, greatly appreciated.
Yr welcome ;-)
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Thanks for your comment but I left school 70 years ago, but just trying to help my 9 year old grandson.
JOBO1 That was funny LOL.
Hi- hopefully he'll be grateful for the list and will have a go at working out the answer
From Chico's link it would appear to be copper
LM*O you're helping your grandson to cheat - it's a slippery slope all the way to the dole office!
Only yoking ;-)
In case you have not worked it out the answer is Copper.
(Just a point, the name of a chemical element starts with a capital letter.
Copper not copper, Magnesium not magnesium etc.)
Eddie's showing his age!

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry abandoned the use of capital letters at the start of chemical names in 2004 ;-)
LOL Buenchico that was funnier than JOBO1. Somewhere a 9yr old boy is getting a golden insight as long as he is allowed to see these posts

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