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Favourite Sounds

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dmsjps | 00:23 Tue 10th May 2005 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
What are your three favourite sounds? Mine are birdsong when you first wake in the morning, the tick-tock of a 'proper' clock when you're trying to sleep and the sound of the sea on a quiet beach.

Wow, I sound like a very calm and serene person don't I? I wish!


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My cat purring .

1. The sound of my kids breathing when they are asleep (so peaceful & looking like angels)

2. The sound of my payslip landing on my desk

3. The sound of juvenile seagulls in flight. This means they have left their nest on my roof and I won't be woken at 4.00am by their squawking. Bliss!

Birdsong at dawn. The sound of babbling brooks,the crunch of fresh snow as I walk on it. aarrrrhhh.

Me too for birdsong at dawn,  gentle windchimes, thunder.

the swish of water along the side of a sailing boat hull as I slumber in my warm bunk.

the  1st cuckoo call

popping noise made by pulling finger out of my cheek

i love to wake up to the sound of the coffee pot making my coffee! and the sound of my kids still sleeping, allthough i would have to get up at three in the morn for that. and the sound of the ocean as it hits the sand!

I love the sound of my man snoring ever so slightly! :) And when my doggie yawns but makes a noise at the same time...and the ocean crashing up against rocks too!! My WORST sounds are my alarm clock, and any beeping just does something to me, im not a fan of beeping sounds!

I love the sound when you sit outside and can hear nothing just a gentle humming like an energy or something. I also love the sound of laughter it always makes me smile no matter what im doing especially childrens laughter as it takes me back to my childhood. I also love the sound of a dog gently whining for a bit of attention makes my heart melt.......
Sound from those red Indian Rain Sticks, church bells,  waves crashing to the shore.  

This is all very poetic :o)
The sound of leaves rustling in a summer breeze.
The haunting sound of Loon birds calling out to each other across a lake at night (heard that at Algonquin park, Canada)
The sound of distant thunder and rain. 

Children giggling, bonfires, rain, the sea (or any water splashing), the sound of laying in the garden in summer when all you can hear is tiny insects buzzing, a tattoo gun, Mike Patton's voice (ex singer of Faith No More), champagne cork popping, biting into a crunchy apple.

I love the sound of really heavy rain when it is bouncing off the windows and pavements, and claps of thunder.  I also like the sound of the fun fair (loud music, loud voices, whizzing of rides and stuff).  I like the swish sound on a quiet beach in the middle of the night, it's kind of the sea, waves and breeze mixed up together.

I hate a microwave 'bing', mobile phone noises, my cat crying at 4am because he wants to be let in/ out and those stupid little mini-moto cycle things.

I love the engine sound of a 1950s British bike - especially BSA Gold Star!

Oh, and someone saying "I love you" - gotta be the best sound in the English-speaking world :-)

If we are talking more than three:

Jeff Buckley's amazing voice, my son playing the accoustic guitar and children laughing.

Hate:  Mobile Phones, electronic beeping of any kind and British Church Bells (love the softer ones on the continent)

Glass smashing and the sound of footsteps on a marble floor!!

I love the sound of heavy rain beating down, trickling water from a nearby stream, and the muffled silence that descends when snow has fallen and laid heavily.

I hate all those noisy audience type shows like pop idol/jerry springer/anything american.

(Not anti-american, I just hate those shows which have now caught on over here.)

A train in the distance when laying in bed.  We don't have trains here.

The sound of laughter.(Not random people but my mates, hubby, etc)

The sound of the sea, the Indian Ocean preferably with me on a sun lounger nearby

One arm bandits, when they pay out a load of money ;-)  ..... TO me!

The sound of the sea washing over pebbles, the 'glugging' sound from a newly opened bottle of wine being poured, heavy rain against the window, the peace in the garden on a warm, summer day (when the local noisy family have gone out!!), water in a stream and my cats purring.
When my 5 month old baby daughter has a fit of the giggles, its my favourite sound ever.

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