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five a day fruit & veg

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catontopcat1 | 20:30 Fri 17th Apr 2009 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
71 often found squashed in a tuna or salmon sandwich (8)
9 lost gas doesnt cut it (7)
10 volkswagon ariel and stone perhaps- but no stone! (6)
32 if you were sold one it woulnt be good (5)
33 Dolores O`Riordan one ? (9)
34 find the pulse in the peruvian capital (4&4)
39 major product of the Lythe Valley in Cumbria (6)
40 shuffle and squash No, 32 (5)
61 fruit of the rosacea family that requires bletting (6)


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71. cucumber
34 Lima bean
33 - cranberry
39 - damson
32. Lemon
40. Melon
61 - peach?

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five a day fruit & veg

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