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KM Link Words 03 09 07

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sarumite | 08:28 Mon 03rd Sep 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
Where are you Steff? ... it's a good job Aqua's not around as he would have been banging on your door ages ago! Hope all is well .... link words today are VOCAL CORDS FRIAR BIRD WOOD RAT DART BOARD See you later (S) ☺


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'Morning sarumite..I don't think there are going to be many takers for the Friar bird or the Wood rat !
Well done, sarumite. I'm here (briefly) but only got my paper a little while ago. I was agonising over BIRD when you went live. I fear Kate may not have made many friends today!

I really shall be away fo the next two weekends - so set your clock.
I definitely agree with you both. Kate does a grand job with the crosswords but does need to work a little on her Herculis links. It does say in the rules that the shaded links make up "well-known words or phrases" and I feel that she isn't getting this. "Board" and "Cord" are OK if only the most obvious choices for two of the clues but "Friar bird" and "Wood rat" are so far out that I'd be surprised if anyone of our varied membership got them.
profound apologies everyone - have been battling severe headache and assorted nasties all day, and just now - they're winning.

I'm typing this with dark glasses on so with your permission
[or without it ] I'll postpone scoring and general banter for 24 hours or so - should be able to sort myself out by then.

sorry, but over and out for now, S
Poor you, Steff. You have our sympathy and, I'm sure, our understanding too.

you aint gunna believe this AQ but I nearly changed my Tuck to Bird, because we have them here, but thought - no way - perhaps I was picking up your vibes !!!

hindsight's great aint it ?? now back to bed for me, S
Kate is obviously aware of our little competition and must be having a good laugh at our expense! We shall have to start thinking "out of the box"!
Hope you feel better soon Steff - at least I won't be giving you any work - zilch again!
get well soon steff, I think I managed an odd point but nothing major see you when you are better
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Steff ... sorry to hear your feeling so poorly, hope all is well by tomorrow. If you still don't feel up to scoring this week, just say so and I will do the honours! (S)
Hi Steff I hope you're feeling better soon. xx
Get well soon Steff xxxx
Steff, Try one small Ibuprofen (150mg) with one normal Paracetamol - works wonders for me and the SHAZZA.
Get well soon - think we've only troubled you for one point each!!!! And none on MM's page!

thanks for the thought Chris, I tried something similar and without the gory details, it didn't stay with me long enough to have any benefit whatsoever.

However after a reasonable night's sleep with some chaotic dreams in which I resigned, several times, from all the committees, etc I'm involved with and then bought several race horses - do we have a resident 'dream therapist' on board - I can now settle down and score this weekend's comp.

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KM Link Words 03 09 07

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