Question Author
The AS level maths course is broken into LOADS of modules, Pure 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, Mechanics 1 and 2, Stats 1 and 2 and DDM (Discrete and Disscision Making) 1 and 2. To get the AS level you have to do 3 (6 for a full A Level). I'm doing, like u, pure 1 (the trapezium question was a bit of a killer!), mech 1 and stats 1 tommorow morning. Some of my friends did DDM which u mite have, if not I wouldn't wiorry - im sure ur teachers would tell u if u had an exam.
Anyway, I'm off to do some more revision, I have computing tomorrow afternoon then physics the day after - then it's out on friday to get drunk cos they'll all be over!!!!!