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Everyman 3868

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manto | 08:35 Mon 30th Nov 2020 | Crosswords
3 Answers
6a Equivalent to "rings"? Largely. 4 _ _ _I
9a Worrying down pork pies before an all night feast. 5,5 _ _ I_G AWAKE
10a Sinful to help gambler regularly getting tense. 4 _ _ _ T
1d Stories end read aloud 4 T _ _ _
7d After a steer, confused bloke was finding water. 2,3,5 _ _ _ _ W _ A _ E _

Don't tyhink I woke up properly today. TIA.


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6a Tori (hidden)
9a Lying a wake
10a Abet (even letters of gambler + T(ense))
1d Tale (sounds like tail) (It's STORY'S not STORIES)
7d Ox-Bow Lakes - Ox (steer) + anagram of 'bloke was'
Question Author
Cheers Mark. Still don't get the TORI. Does tori mean equivilent? New one on me if it does.
6Across: Torus = geometric ring shape, so 'tori' is plural. I'd never heard of it either!

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Everyman 3868

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