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Bernie | 09:13 Wed 03rd Apr 2019 | Crosswords
34 Answers
1a. Very near, shut 25%of space(5,8)
12d.Cause price fall(5,4)????? Down
9a. Could be an Irish setter(5)m????
23a.Landing charge(7) s?o?a??
Many thanks


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Close quarters
09:14 Wed 03rd Apr 2019
Close quarters
12d.Bring down?
23 Is it not shorage? or is that too American?
Morning Danny, still can't see mention of 'landing charge', or something like, in your definition but no matter we'll never know because no more letters to check. Probably storage anyway. :))
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Thank you for your help
Don't need any new wardrobes thanks Danny; you've lost me unless you mean a storage area on a landing in a flight of stairs. No matter anyway.
Sorry I started this now. ;0)))
Can't see 'stowage' either - that's a charge for storage, you have to land (and be charged) your merchandise, etc first surely.
'Money paid for stowing goods' Chambers.

'Stow' has nautical connotations, and I'm pretty sure 'Landing' in this instance refers to landing cargo.
Yes 'landing' ie putting on the dock side, putting a plane on the tarmac, etc not 'storing' which is putting it somewhere after it has landed.
...or even, 'putting under hatches' - what do you think is meant by hatches?

There isn't an entry for 'shorage' in Chambers, and 'storage' is too general.
Dockage doesn't fit either!
From my link above, definition of storage:-
//the price charged for storing goods.//
If Bernie is reading this her head must be spinning.
It should be a lumper fee though. Not storing but landing. I agree with Captain it is a very poor clue!
Too general, there's nothing to justify the act of 'Landing' the goods to be stored.
That's my point Danny - we are not looking at the cost to 'store' but to 'land' - to me, two totally different events.

(At least we're keeping crosswords moving on a slow morning).

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