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Epson Printer Ink Problems

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iloveglee | 11:36 Fri 27th Oct 2017 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Does anyone out there have an epson printer, and suddenly finding it will not accept non genuine epson ink.

I have had this printer for a good few years now, and have always used non genuine ink cartridges once the ones that came with it ran out. Reason being, having paid about £30 for the printer, and finding that a set of genuine inks were about £28, not prepared to pay the price.

Since then, we have had several sets of non genuine ink, and have always managed to get them to be recognised. This time, no chance at all. We have done several work arounds, like replacing them one at a time, cleaning the chip, powering down the printer, switching it off to reboot, even tried two sets of ink. The inks are all from the same supplier, and have always worked before.

I know that some printers will not accept non genuine ink, but this one always has before.

Anyone any ideas before i take it outside and put a hammer to it.



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You might get more answers if you post this in technology.
it's the longest crossword clue i've ever seen
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oh silly me, i forget to search for technology before posting. for some reason when i search for answerbank, this crossword thing comes up. will go back and start again!!!
I strongly suspect that Epson printers (and possibly other makes) have a built in obsolescence. I'm sure i remember one of mine doing the same thing years ago.
I have an Epson XP530 and use non genuine ink from 999 inks without any problems.
I've always used non genuine inks in my Epson. I did once have a problem and changed to Premier inks, and no problems since then. They are refilled cartridges made by a firm in Lincoln and have more ink than the Epson ones.
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