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are gay men more sensitive?

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legend759 | 14:33 Tue 27th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
following on from another question.
do you think,in your experience or that of your friends,that gay men are more sensitive and in tune with the female mind?
i worked next to a gay guy.
and he was quite the opposite.
he was only 18 but took great pleasure in saying making coffee was womens work,he loved telling the girls their arses qwere getting big,most of them being 18 to 25 years old did not appreciate this at all.
and he spent more time on the sunbeds and applying fake tan to himself.
so he was as far from being sensitive as you could get.
so whats the general consensus?


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Leg End

I LOVE yoooooooo.....still

Roughie xxxx Mwa!

I have only met one gay guy that I could call 'sensitive' he used to cry at the drop of a hat and was really lovely genuine person - the rest I have met so far in my life have been quite tough and outright bitchy! Worse than most women I know LOL....
Question Author
i cry and im not gay.


just eating a creme egg .

practicing my tecnique .

back to the thread.
i tghink it may be an urban legend that gay men are sensitive.
Ooooh I'm eating a creme egg too!lol. The gay men who I know are no more sensitive than the straight men who I know. They do seem to be quite bitchy
I've had two really good friends who were both really outrageously camp , gay men. They are the type to tell you it like it is and don't sugar coat their words. If they thought that something you were wearing was unflattering , they would tell you outright which not everyone likes but I do. I always knew where I stood with them and knew that if I asked for their honest opinion , I would get it unlike some of my other friends who would tell me what they thought I wanted to hear. I much prefer the truth ..... even if it's not the answerI was hoping to hear ! I can only comment on the gay men i've been friends with and their friends/partners but I don't know if you can make a sweeping generalisation like that because it all comes down to the type of personality at the end of the day.
and what technique would that be Legend darling? DO tell ;-)


Yeah, I know someone who is gay and he can be quite a b*tch too. I know Wentworth isn't a b*tch though, even if he is gay!
I'm going to stop talking about Wentworth now. I'm sure everyone is fed up with it! sorry guys.
I have absolutely no idea who you are talking about Joey, so it's not bothering
Question Author
well they do say you can l!ck out a creme egg for only 30p..

i think the bitchyness in gay men is the bitchyness in women that they seem more able to hide than gay men.

all those look at her hair,look at her shoes ,shes so fat.
all that sort of bitchyness im sure most women have suffered at one time or other.
i think theyre carried over in the genes to gay men.
not that im a geneticist and i cant give any scientific evidence to prove this.
just life experience.


The reason women prefer gay mens company is that there is no threat to the friendship. Its genuine, no faking, you are friends cause you like each other. I have a lot of male friends but have come to realise when it comes to the crunch I prefer female company or gay men. I think on the whole gay men are more sensitive to people because of what they face in life, having to fight for equal rights tends to make people more compassionate. Of course this could make some bitter and go the other way.

I dont think your sexuality has anything to do with how sensitive you are, I know some straight men who are right jessies.
you should know leg end
Question Author
oi goody you were nearly convincing me there until the bit about straight men being right jessies.
you mean like a big p00fy jessie?
isnt that a bit homophobic for someone whos got gay friends it seems totally weird to say that.
if i said that id ber labeled a homophobe.
i feel a new question coming on
ha ha. Probably for the best Kate!
Are you down to the bottom of your creme egg yet, Peg?

Really camp, b!tchy gay men (you know the ones - Graham Norton types) are certainly not sensitive. In fact, they play up on their gossipy, b!tchy and downright nasty personalities.

Excluding the stereotypical camp gay male, erm.... I dunno! Surely it depends on the personality of the person in question? Just as it does with straight men?
stop asking boring questions leg end . go and read your dirty porn mags ...........................................................
Question Author
champers ive licked it clean and im eating the chocolate now.
theres a funny odour in the air .
dont ask me what but its stinking.
dont ask me but i think its smelly kippers,well i hope it is.
but remember i did say dont ask me because im not...... sniff..... snifff......
well maybe it is a smelly fish smell.

anyone else notice it???
go and get a job or something else to fill you rubbish life
Yeah! Smells like Billingsgate market in here!
I had a gay couple stay at mine one weekend, After a night on the **** they had a big argument and I had to sort it, well its bad enough when my girl mates fall out with their boyfriends but both these blokes crying on me was a nightmare. They got real bitchy too :-)
go and change your knickers then

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