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Nether Edge | 13:31 Thu 01st Feb 2007 | Jokes
5 Answers
Why is:
-big a microscopic word whilst microscopic is a long word?
-french an english word but english isn't a french word?
-verb a noun but noun isn't a verb (although you can always verb a noun)?
-there a surplus of vowels over consonants in vowel?
-an inch as long as a foot or a mile?
-hyphenated not hyphenated (unlike semi-colon)?
-etc etc [your turn next]


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Why is Abbreviation such a long word?

Why does Phonetically not start with the letter 'F'??

What would happen if an unstoppable object collided with an immovable object??
Why isn't monosyllabic monosyllabic? Or palindrome palindromic? We could go on...
if an unstoppable object collided with an unmoveable one it'd go straight through it.
If heat rises why is it cold at the top of mountains?
why does dyslexia have a hard to spell name?
why does:
lisp have an s in it.
how mean

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