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second birth experiences

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SEASONS | 20:03 Wed 06th Sep 2006 | Parenting
16 Answers
I am expecting my second child in April 07. My first labour and birth experience was intense and very quick. My daughter was born within 2 hours. It was a natural birth.
I have been told by medical folk and women that I can expect the second birthing to possibly be as quick. How does this fit with your experiences ?


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oh yes. number one took 10 hours from ow to baby, number 2 took 2 and a half and number three took one and a half.
have a home birth like me :)
No. 1 took 10 hours and no.2 took 19 hours! Both needed ventouse extraction and epidurals. I am sure that if no. 3 was to come along they would take 30 hours! But I think the 8 year gap between the two was the problem. My midwife said after so many years (5?) it's like stareting over again. But I'm sure you'll have another quick birth. Good luck.
Not sure if it's some sort of old wives tale, but both of mine were quick, infact with the birth of my 2nd one I was bathed and tucked up in bed with a cup of tea 2 hours after I entered the hospital doors.

Good luck with yours :-)
Oh and i've a 16 year gap beween my
I have three children aged nine , three and 20 months. With my eldest daughter , I was in labour for fourteen and a half hours , with my second daughter I was in labour for thirteen and a half hours and with my son , I was in labour for seven hours. Although it is generally thought that a second or subsequent pregnancy is quicker , it is not always neccessarily the case. It really varies from woman to woman. They do say though that because the birth canal has already been opened , then a second or subsequent pregnancy may be quicker. It's not been the first time when a woman has been caught short thinking that she had plenty of time , only for her labour to progress really quickly and that was really quick for a first labour for you.

The best advice I can give you is to make sure that you have your hospital bag packed well in advance so that if you need to go in a hurry you are prepared. Don't leave it to your birthing partner because you will know exactly what you need but they will most likely forget your essentials lol ! Good luck when the time comes x
my first was born in less than an hour, with this one i have been in labour for 3 days now!
Poor you Boobesque. You've just made baby way to comfy in there ! I had to be induced with my youngest after going 11 days over my due date - he just didn't want to come out - but I can't imagine having been in labour for three whole days ! You must be exhausted now. I hope you go soon. It'll all be worth it in the end though , eh ? Congrats to you. Do you know whether it's a boy or a girl yet ? I hope you come back and keep us posted x
i am carrying a girl, wasnt expecting to still be pregnant, had my cervical stitch removed on sunday, and we thought she would fall out then lol, seems the scar tissue could be holding her in!
Ahh , a girl - that explains it then. She already playing the little diva lol ! She'll probably decide at 3 am that she's ready to come out. I hope you go soon and all the best for you x
My second baby was due April 7th too! I had a quick intense first birth and was hoping for the same with the second one. I spoke to the midwife and she said labours usually get shorter each time, but sometimes the uterus can become more rounded in shape and contractions become less effective and thus labour gets longer, but that is the exception rather than the norm. My second baby did come quickly in the end and was born on the living room floor, so I would definately think about a home birth if you are some distance from the hospital.
thanks enigma, she probably will come now mr boobs has told work he will be back in tomorrow! Least when it really gets going i know it will be quick!
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thanks for the feedback. My first child is now 22mos old. We had planned a home birth for her however she came too soon and the midwife lived 5 hours away. She expected a longer labour! There are no midwives in my province at this time so I will likely go with the local hospital which was very repsctful the first time .
Good luck boobesque. Come little girl we are all rooting for you.
thanks seasons, good luck to you as well!
Awww poor you boobesque..I do hope little girly comes out soon!

My experiences? well my first labour was 6 hours long (2 hour second stage ~ she got stuck, so would have been quicker) the second was 3 hours, third & fourth were 2 hours. So I suppose the theory could be right, although every baby is different ;o)

Good luck!
first born a boy 30hours
second born girl 2hours
i really really hope my second labour is shorter! my first lasted 5 days!

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