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maggie01 | 16:25 Thu 10th Nov 2005 | Parenting
21 Answers
Just a thought. If anyone out there is a grandparent. What name do you like to be called by?


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grandma .... dont like nanny or nana
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I like nan or nanny myself as grandma always sounds like someone old (no offence). It just seems to differ wherever you live.
mt two year old daughter calls my dad grandy pandy! not sure that its one he would have chosen himself though! lol
My two year old nephew calls my mum Granny Wall Wall - because she has a high front wall at her house, and calls his other gran Granny Donald, and unfortunately that because she lives next door to a McDonalds!

I called my grandparents 'Grandma' & 'Grandad' followed by their first name. The other half calls his 'Nan' followed by her surname.

My children call one set Nanny & Grandad and the other Ma-Ma & Doo-Doo (apparently Ma-Ma is always saying 'do this' & 'do that' to him & the name stuck through 4 grandchildren LOL).

It appears to differ between families as to what names are used. Best to put a request in of what you prefer before you get lumbered with something that makes you cringe.

My inlaws are known as grandma and grumps- coz he
I call my granny, well, Granny lol and she insists on being "great granny" to my son, I called her 2nd husband Grandad (though he wasnt technically) and her 1st husband Pops, (though he wasnt either actually lol)
My fathers parents I called Nana and Popa, but I didn't like them so I don't like those names now!

my mum likes grandma (thinks nanny sounds like an old goat) but hubbys mum likes nanny (thinks grandma makes her sound old)....

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Its what you feel comfortable with I suppose. Mine call me Nan.

my kids call hubby's mum Ginty and his dad Grandy.

My mum is called Nanny and dad is Grandpa

I shall be grandma (which I think sounds so cool) and my hubby will be grandfather (which I also think sounds well cool.)

My friends kiddy calls her mum Nanny Apple and that is because she wanted to be called Granny Smith (because that was her name!) He little girl caught onto the funniness of it and decided to call her granny Apple instead. now all her grandkids do. Now they are older, some of them just call her Apple. True story!

My elder daughter couldn't say 'gr' when she was little and called my Dad, 'Gan-Gan' and my Mum, 'Gamma' and she still does. My younger girl, who's 6, just picked up on this. I think it's fine now, but I worry they'll be embarrassed by it when they get older and then my parents will get upset if it changes and becomes more formal. I can't win!!
I always called one set Grandma and Grandad, and the others Nana and Grandpa - at least it meant it was clear who I was on about.
I called one set Grandma and Grandad, and the other set Nanna and Grandad. Neither of the Grandad's were around all that long after I was of talking age, so there wasn't time for it to get confusing!

My sons call my Mum and Dad Grandma and Grandad, and my husband's Mum Grandma Chingford (even though she lives in Norwich. She used to live in Chingford.) Grandad Chingford died when my eldest son was less than a year old.
I'm Nanna or Nan and it is wonderful!
I always called mine Nanar and Grandy followed by their first names. It may be a regional thing as I know lots of people round here use Nanar but I've not really heard it used elsewhere. I do thinh Grandma and Grandpa make you sound about 200 years old (reminds me of the Walton's '...night Grandma..night Grandpa....')

Our Grandchildren call me Nanny & I rather like it!

mine call me nanny!! and i have got used to it now but i allways thought it sounded like a goat!! i tried to get them to call me by my christian name..but they were not having that!!

Our grandaughter is nine, and has so many grandparents. we all have to be identified individually -

my wife is "Nana-Mum" because she has heard our daughter call my wife Mum,

I'm "Grandad Glasses" for obvious reasons,

My daughter's divorced in-laws are "Grandad Geoff" and Nana Sylivia",

My daugher's partner's mum is just "Margaret"

My wife's parents are "Big Nana" and "Big Grandad"

and my daughter's ex-husband's granparents are "Nana" and "Grandad".

Confused? She isn't - fortunately!

Our grandchildren call me Granma and my husband is Grandad although I always called both sets of my grandparents Nanna and Grandad ( they are all long gone now ). My daughters prefer to be called Nanna followed by their Christian names ,my youngest grandson who is 6foot tall at least and is 16yrs.old pats me on the head and calls me Dorothy ! Still love him though ,he's a good lad.
My son calls my in-laws Memaw and Papa. My dad is Grandpa Ken and I've always called my grandparents Grampa and Gramma followed by their last names but I think that sounds really formal. If I'm blessed enough to become a grandparent someday, I will like whatever the kids can pronounce at first!

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