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Phone Hacking

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BertiWooster | 12:51 Fri 07th Jan 2011 | News
8 Answers

In light of recent developments , ( and if turns out to be correct ) do you think that it is believable that a senior editor would be aware of these going ons ; but the paper's editor , Andy Coulson would not have been aware .?


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The term plausible denialability comes to mind........politicians, especially prime ministers and presidents use it all the time.
If he was rubbish at his job, it is plausible he did not know what his underlngs were up to.

But by all accounts, he was very good at his job and Micromanaged. In that instance, the "I had no idea" defence does ring true.
Does NOT ring true.
Seems to me he has infiltrated Answerbank also,judging by the last two posts...LOL...
Sh1t?...The last four posts...damn....
if he was so useless at his job that he didn't know what his immediate underlings were up to, I'm surprised he got a top job with the Tories... aren't I?
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