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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:05 Mon 13th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
It's Monday and another week begins. Only 8 days to the shortest day. No sooner will get up and it will be time to go to bed again! :-}

Have a happy day everyone.


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morning wbm
Morning WBM. Morning DrFilth. Yes, my husband is already talking about the shortest day - he HATES the winter. As soon as I stop this coughing bout, I'm off back to my nest. Corvonia will be asking me to be a shareholder at this rate! Have a happy and safe day.
morning horseshoes
as my mum use to say

It’s not the cough that carries you off, it’s the coffin they carry you off in
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Morning DF and horsey. You and that cough are getting to be good friends I think!
Ooo let's hope it's not THAT bad.
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Not a lot you can do about it really. I hope it clears up soon though.
Morning all. Just seen the weather forecast for the we go again, come Friday Britain will come to a standstill again.
morning moonraker
Morning DF and WBM, Hope you havn't put your thermals away.
never had them off,
when they start to move up and down on their own you know it is time they need washing
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Morning moony. Yup, end of the week we cop it again. We've been lucky so far here in Gloucestershire, but I don't think we will escape this time.
morning hack hack cough cough...strange choking noises... everyone...and I'm going to work in a minute I must be mad...
Is covonia any good....? getting desperate
morning rowanwitch
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Morning rowan. you must indeed be off your trolley! Covonia is good, depending on the type of cough you have. good luck!
meltus in the greenish package is better
Good morning guys and girls. The predicted freeze failed to materialise in Hereford but I guess there's still time. x x
morning NoMercy
Morning wbm and everyone

Been raining here but its still not clearing away the snow. Some pavements you cant stand up on. I know cos, I was stuck outside my neighbours house on Friday and couldnt go one way or other. Managed to hold onto the wall and get back home and call a taxi to get to work
morning TheOtherHalf it has all cleared from round my way, even the cars had no frost this morning

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Good morning early birds!

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