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Muslims decide

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brionon | 14:18 Thu 12th Feb 2009 | News
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Now that the Muslims decide who can and cannot enter the UK can we please stop calling it a christian country ?


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Gromit, can you demonstrate how they have �interfered with the running of the country� in recent times? If as you say, �they don't do anything they are just symbolic of the past.� then your reasons for their exclusion must be based on something else and your claim as above is unfounded??

Is it just that they �don�t belong�, obviously in contrast to all those other worthy Lords of course�..

As said by craft, most of the rules within our constitutional government is blinking symbolic of the past.

Octavius, I have issues with state support for faith schools - of whatever faith. This seems an improper mixing of state and religion, and I would call it interference with the running of the country; the money going to those schools should be going to all schools, boosting (marginally no doubt) the nation's education levels.

The Bishops voted against the Government and caused it a defeat on the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill in 2003. Their votes were the difference between government victory and defeat. This was over the issue of education of asylum seekers' children, where an amendment moved by the Bishop of Portsmouth required that such children are taught in a school and not separately in a detention centre. Three Bishops attended and voted against the government, and it lost the division by one vote.

This is a clear case of interference.
And out of 700 or so members in HoL, the vote against the Bill was down to just these 3 bishops?

So they are not 'just symbolic' then?

jake, thats just muddying the waters. If the bishiops were excluded, there would still be faith schools I think.
Gromit, the authorities are working on reducing their influence 331.stm

Why should a country have to decide whether it is 'secular' , 'christian' or other? Why can't we just be a country - full stop? Churches, mosques and other places of worship are their for those that want them.
churches preach the way of the lord booldawg,some mosques radicalise young muslims into the way of hate and terror..............
I heard a Muslim cleric (based in the UK) on radio 5 live this morning.

He said this Dutch MP should be banned from the UK as he was spreading hate and racial intolerance.

I thought that was rather ironic coming from a Muslim Cleric.

After all, we have had quite a few Muslim clerics spouting hate on the streets of the UK in the last few years.
It is a tad ironic, that the Government used new powers to bar this European citizen. The Government took these powers after a long campaign in the right wing press for them to refuse permission to extremists who wanted to visit this country (for extremists read Muslim preachers). And then one of the first times the Government exercises this new power, it is to keep out a right wing Islamaphobe (with whom they probably sympathise). How very ironic.

As they say, be careful what you wish for.
Yes I agree VHG, and the ' Hate and Intolerence' he was 'spreading' was the hate and intolerence produced by Muslim extremists via the New York, Madrid and London bombings etc.

It is long overdue for the moderate and well-meaning Muslims
in this country to deal with the cancer in their midst.
Derekpara - �It is long overdue for the moderate and well-meaning Muslims in this country to deal with the cancer in their midst.�

I've been saying this for over a year on this website. Muslims need to take a long hard look at what their prophet Mohammed actually said.

The Koran is full of hateful pronouncements - calling for the killing of non-Muslims, the forced subjugation of women, the forced marriage of pre-pubescent girls to much older men, the execution of homosexuals, etc.

All of the above Islamic 'laws' are to be found in the Koran.

The real problem with the Koran is that the Islamic religion proclaims that the words in the Koran are literally the words of Allah. Therefore, the words are not open change or interpretation. They are what they are.

If the Koran calls for the killing of non-Muslims then there is nothing that moderate Muslims can do to change that.

It must be done, because God said it.

The sooner the West wakes up to this reality � that Islam cannot and will not change it's spots (ie. it's very nature is to be violent and intolerant) � the better off every free thinking person will be.
Islam is a peaceful religion and these terrorists may say they are acting in the name of Islam but they are not. They are extremists and many of the passages quoted are from the qu'ran used by the Saudis. I believe it is the qu'ran used in Saudi that calls for the killing of non muslims as islam recognises other religions.

The Saudi qu'ran is vastly different from the qu'ran used by other others. In fact the qu'ran cannot be translated from Arabic into any other language as it is said to lose its meaning.

It is mainly the Saudis who preach the hardline islamic approach and are responsible for much of the wide spread hatred in this country. Not so long ago they were hiding copies of their qu'ran at Regent's Park Mosque and denying it existed. They went a step further and said that no muslims should live amongst non muslims.

The qu'ran says that women and I quote " should be put on a pedestal and worshipped and protected" it is the interpretation of some muslims to use this to treat women as second class citizens. In an islamic marriage both parties need to agree to the marriage and it cannot be forced, It is not the religion that is doing this but the custom of the country. No where in the qu'ran does it say women should be covered again this is the custom of the country.

In the US, there have been incidents of killings and harrassment of medical personnel at abortion clinics. The perpetrators of these crimes believe they are defending their faith, that the bible orders them to defend their beliefs, and that God is on their side.

They are guilty of misinterpretating the scriptures, just like a very small minority of Islamic terrorists are guilty of claiming devine sanction of their murderous acts.

The vast majority of Muslims, just like the vast majority of Christians have no murderous intentions, and want to get on with their lives with their God acting as a moral compass.

The exceptions who take an extreme interpretation, whether christian or Muslim, are not representative of their faith.

The Koran just like the bible is open to interpretation. You seem to believe a version of the Koran which is vengeful. You have therefore accepted the Taliban and AlQuaeda's version of the world.

They, and you are wrong.
Nannyjill, I don't know where you get your ideas from, but you've clearly never read the Koran.
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''I disagree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it.'' Words from a brave Englishman ? No he was French. The English are bowing to Islam.
I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to mis-attribute this quote to Voltaire.
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"Those who would sacrifice essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin
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Oh-good point. I didn't mention Voltaire but I defend your right to tell untruths. And ,if not Voltaire, does this make it any less appropriate ? Of course it does-to you,anyway.
Naomi indeed I have read parts of the qu'ran although my arabic is limited ,I'd be the first to admit .

The only part I've actually quoted from the qu'ran is " women should be put on a pedestal and worshipped and protected"

The rest is quoted from islamic law.

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