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What is racist ??

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Drisgirl | 18:16 Wed 21st May 2008 | News
40 Answers
This has been debated loads of times and in the main -I try to be PC (even athough it sometimes is a bit mad) -maintain the status quo and abhor any insults towards anyone which may be deemed offensive.

I have just read in my local newspaper that this English guy (who lives in the town) has been charged with behaving in a 'racially aggravated manner' by calling the 2 Police Officers 'Scottish Pr**ks and Scottish c**ts'

Was I so wrong when i burst out laughing?

C'mon -hardly a hanging offence -still chuckling yet and i am Scottish.

Call them ******** and ***** but dont say Scottish in front of the words - WTF -about time we got a grip !!!

What ya think ?


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This is a blatant case of "playing the race card". If you so much as refer to my nationality, I will call you a racist. Everybody will then immediately side with me (even if I'm talking b*ll*cks) because they are fearful of being tarred with the same brush.
Someone comes up to me and calls me a British ****.

My reply? "Well done. 10 out of 10 for observation... Now, if you don't mind, I was busy watching paint dry....."
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Aww Im glad other peeps are on the same wavelenght -you have all made me laugh more -bus driver -thats cr@p about your potential customer -think some just play the racist card now -just cos some can -its ludicrous what happened to your colleague !!

LOL -its more of an isult being called a **** that Scottish -away to see if I can find the link BRB lol

Its gone mad !!!!!!
Any and every think happens people try to pull the race card. If they would take time to educate themselves a bit and know the true meaning of Racism they would shut up.
You're right. It's all mad. I'm off for a shag.
Just joking !!!
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Aww Jayne -I could do with one -not joking lol

BTW -he is English -notorious lol
Who's English Dris ???

Have I missed an entry (so to speak)?
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LOL -that was just in general cos it doesnt say he was English -didnt want to be racist lol

Here ya dont want to miss an entry - BTW -this was a semi serious thread for me -I cant post anywhere -im gonna watch out for you cos youre as daft as me PMSL x
It's risible, roll on the day when the process has evolved to its only possible conclusion, which is that it will be racist to be white, or English, or anything that isn't black, or Scottish, or Welsh, or ethnic minority, and oh dear it just makes you want to roll over and go to sleep. It would be a joke except that it is happening.

(p.s. in areas where ethnic minorities are in the majority, are they still ethnic minorities.......?)
if you mean are Bangladeshis a minority in Bangladesh, whiffey, the answer is no.
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Well said Whiff -very true and I am still laughing -your fault this time lol x
Aren't we all watching the footy now?

Can't say who I'm rooting for, because I wouldn't want to express a discriminatory preference against Manchester or London.
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PMSL -I could Jayne -wouldnt want either of them to win but cos I was too late with my bloody bet cos I thought it started 8 and not 7.45 and so far 2 of my bets have come up grrrr

O and BTW -that was a neat swerve there -tactical? - lol x
Being racist is making sweeping (usually negative) assumptions about people based on their race.

Calling a someone a Scottish **** is not so much being racist but it is racist abuse.

Calling someone a tight fisted, fried Mars-bar eating Scottish *** is what you're aiming for.

Not giving them a job because you thing scots are tight fisted, fried mars bar eating ****'s is racial discrimination

Kicking their head in because you think that all scots are tight fisted, fried mars bar eating ****'s is racially aggrevated assault

Thing is one tends to lead to the other or at least provides the atmosphere where it's seen as acceptable.

"Any man who calls a spade a spade should be compelled to use one - it's all he's good for" Oscar Wilde

Calling a someone a Scottish **** is not so much being racist but it is racist abuse.

No it isn't. It might be 'nationalist' (for want of a better word), and may be as bad as being racist. But Scots aren't a race. So it's not racist.

the process has evolved to its only possible conclusion, which is that it will be racist to be white, or English, or anything that isn't black,

Yeah... right...
i make racial, homophobic, sexist jokes. i sometimes laugh at people less fortunate than myself and im an aid worker! but i do it all in an adult way with other unnofended people. its natural to make fun of others but its not nice to upset people. so as long as people are wise with who they joke then i don t really care.
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Wa haay for commonsense- why is **** starred and Scottish isnt -there lies the dilemna?
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