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How can obesity Not be the fault of the indiviual?

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Loosehead | 11:29 Wed 17th Oct 2007 | News
53 Answers
Ok there are a few cases where certain conditions exacerbate the problem but Perlease 99.99% of cases are self inflicted, eat too much, move too little you get fat! Why is this equation so difficult to grasp? Why do people seek to shift blame when the answer is clear? I know as well as anyone that you have to manage weight by diet and exercise, I'm not exactly svelte but I don' t blame anyone but myself if I put some weight on!


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As a kid my aunt was fed completely rubbish food all procesed etc (shes now 47) it wasn't until she was married that she didn't realise this wasn't the right way to eat and why would you if you dont know wny different? and had always eaten that way.

Anyway when she was married (age25) she changed her diet radically and lost some of the weight but she then fell preg. After 3 children (age 29) she still watched her food and was approx a size 16/18 which then I'm told was considered bigger than it is now.

She then went through some seriously stressful years and even though her eating habits didn't change massively when you're stressed your body produces something called and I'm not sure of the spelling but sounds like 'Quatrerzone'. Which means you put on weight around your hips/waist as your body store this hormone thing.

So when she was 45 she took the bulls by the horns and joined a gym, she goes 3 times a week plus sees a personal trainer and eats healthy i.e. fish potatoes salads etc. But shes still a size 16, dont get me wrong shes lost weight but shes now seeing a doctor incase its throyde related or somethig along those lines.

So beside my aunts life story! :o ) What I'm trying to say is people who are over weight well it isn't always their fault although this probably only constitutes 2% of obese people. I do feel sorry for these people but those that just sit around eat sh*t, dont exercise and my sister, absolutely no sympathy there!
Oh Daffy...

If they charge,(fire brigade) then the chargee will have to sue. As just announced. It's not their fault is it???
River, I don't think anyone is criticising someone who is size 16 and tries to eat healthily and exercise - I am size 14 and would be much bigger i am sure if I didn't watch my weight and exercise. It is people who do not make the effort, who do not have medical conditions preventing them from losing weight and yet still insist on eating rubbish.
I agree with Im A Busy Bee ~ there must be a certain gene.

One of my daughters was anormal birthweight ~ 7lb. She put on a pound a week (breastfed) for the next few months and at age 10 is a chunky girl. She doesn't eat rubbish ~ far from it, she eats the same as all of us..good healthy meals. Actually she probably doesn't eat as much as my sevelte 6 year old girl, and certainly not as much as my lanky 14 year old boy!

She has plenty of exercise as she spends ALL of her spare time riding horses and mucking out at the well as chasing round after the other kids up there. She also rides her bike to and from school.

My father in law is also is my sister in law, so she must have got the 'fat gene' from them ;o)
Believe me, exercise does not lose you weight, not permanently anyhow. I have been exercising for over 20 years and if anything my weight has increased. Immediately following a strenuous work out the pounds drop off but within days has recovered. It must be the loss of fluids that cause this.
Hmm, what's the betting the drastic action needed to sort this problem out is going to involve some new form of taxation?
Some people here have told me before that weight is often the fault of another condition. One member here had thyroid problems and lost a huge amount of weight once treatment was started, I too was insulin resistant but after treatment and diet and exercise got myself out of it. There are reasons people gain weight easier than other but at the end of the day if you exercised more and ate less you wouldn't put on weight especially with treatment for the condition. If I hadn't been so fat in the first place, I wouldn't have gall stones now, as apparently this has probably been caused through a total lack of fat in my diet whilst I slimmed down, I am ashamed to say we were brought up on an extremely healthy home cooked diet and I always knew better but used having kids as an excuse to eat more junk food. I saw Laury Turner moaning that no one had time to cook anymore so fast food was the best option....... I can think of hundreds of meals I could cook in half an hour so the time thing is nonsense.

If your kids are going to the shop and buying so many sweets that is making them fat, don't give them money until they are responsible enough.

As for the BMI its a well known fact that this is unreliable. You may well be underweight just as my friend is obese according the charts but he hardly has any body fat, hes a well built marine and rock solid. If hes unhealthy Ill eat his hat.
Why is the UK 3rd on the Obesity list and Italy 25th. ?
I'm sure the italians are no more active than we are. what can be the reason ?
They have a much healthier diet and environment. Even Mcdonalds in Italy has the most amazing salad bars full of couscous, pasta and luscious salad. All for the price of a bigmac. Dinner is a big thing there too, lots o course but small portions. HArdly anything is fried and when they eat out they tend to still eat Italian food, its not curry or fish and chips.
Hi there! To all those people who have an underactive thyroid problem try taking 4 Kelp tablets each morning. It is seaweed extract and contains iodine which kick starts the thyroid. It was recommended to me by a homeopathy specialist and boy! did it work. I was a size 20 (after being a size 12 for most of my life) after having two pregnancies close together and nothing would shift the weight. I tried the Kelp and I am now back to being a size 14. Of course you have to eat sensibly too. This also works if you have put on weight if you are on HRT or the pill which can inhibit weight loss. Hope this helps!
Thanks for that tip, Javert ~ I shall give it a go!

I am a size 14 on the bottom, and 16/18 on the top. 5'2", so I do look heavy for my height :o( however I also have big boobs (always have done) so they must weigh quite a lot ;o)
Ok, and I will say this for the fat people who couldn't get to the front row.

If you eat too much junk, don't exercise and sit munching buscuits all day, you will get fat.

Sure, some people have metabolism issues or trouble with thyroid glands. I know a few people with these conditions. only one of them is fat and by his own admission, this is because he 'eats too much and does b*gger all exercise'.

It doesn't cost the earth to eat healthily and it makes me sick that people use that as an excuse for not doing it. Water is free (within reason) and fruit is cheaper than BigMacs.

As for the government being responsible. NO, NO, NO!!!
Sure they are responsible for the flood of imigrants, poor healthcare and inadequate police but they do not force food down our throats and they do not stop people exercising.

Ok, I'd better get off this soapbox as its a bit rickety. :-)
Yep it's becoming all to easy to blame the government for everything, and while I think they could do more I also think we have a responsibility to make sure our own children are fed healthily and that they do a bit more exercise! Take them swimming, walk with them to school or go cycling with them! Stop feeding them big macs and suchlike and don't encourage them to sit for hours in their bedrooms playing games because your worried about letting them outside to play!

Where I work there are a couple of very overweight people - and they also just happen to be the ones who sit at their desks and snack all day, have unhealthy and fattening lunches and do no exercise, one of them even does all her Tesco food shopping on (in her own words) save her trekking around the store!
If you want to get thin, take a job as a teacher in a secondary school ~ you'll soon become so stressed, freaked-out , abused, belittled and nerve-racked that you will throw up any food you manage to find time to swallow.
Will it work if I fast one day per week,do you know ?Please.
Doctors always take into account muscle measurements when working out BMI. There are varying stages of obesity. Being overweight knocks years off our lives and can be the cause of many diseases including cancers. What is more frightening thought was the statement I heard this morning, "That the next generation of children may not outlive their parents, due to obesity!"

I don't get any exercise and unfortunately have a sedentary job . I now struggle with my weight and it is my fault.

Just a question for you all - How much exercise do you all get?
Isn't this the same Government who brought us the "Weapons of mass destruction which can be launched in 45 minutes scenario "?
I never believe any Government staement nowadays................
We don't have to believe the Government on this one, we just have to look around us!
There are extreme cases to both sides, yet I maybe biased as I have an eating disorder (anorexia) and I am underweight.
I agree that most people who get fat do just eat non-stop, exercise and therefore put on weight.
But some people do have medical health issues where they do put on weight through mostly no fault of their own. especially because of metabolism problems, for example, if I recovered completely from my ED I would most likely put on weight because of slowing down my metabolism. That wouldn't be my fault, I'd just be trying to eat normally.

My boyfriend and one of my closest friends have thyroid problems, making them terribly thin and have to eat excessive amounts of certain things to keep the weight on.
Alot of people would say that they probably need to be in hospital, because they believe they are starving themselves. Where infact it is quite the opposite.
I don't think it's fair that everyone seems to be tarred with the same brush.
Now smokers.... there's a topic!

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