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ll_billym | 00:36 Sat 11th Mar 2006 | News
7 Answers
What's been going on there then?


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have you been living on another planet?
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Sorry I should have rephrased the question. Ok, I know that 4 soldiers were shot and killed in suspicious circumstances, in the eyes of the court 1 committed suicide and 3 are open verdict.

This is not the whole story, this is just the outcome. What I was asking is what happened there?

it looks like a case of bullying in the barracks and serious bullying aswell to commit suicide (allegedly)

I feel sorry for the relatives because they are not getting the answers they deserve

Should be a serious look at this,not just a sideways glance, how many people know what happened,and why aren't they saying?
A friend of mine was raped and abused as a new army recruit it was in the newspapers and on tv..unfortunately she had a breakdown as she miscarried from the rapes "multiple" and now has a blood clot on her brain where she was beaten..she took legal action so far and was too ill at one stage to testify..her family were also threatend by officers and were really frightend..As she was a young girl she was just terrified by the whole ordeal and today as i write this she is a mental and physical wreck who hasnt been able to put it behind her and carry on..also she has terridble health problems including the blood clot on the brain which is not in a place that can be operated on..this happend 9 years ago ..and was in the national papers and sunday papers also..I used to take her out on day trips as she is too frightend to go out alone ..and she hasnt got a great deal to look forward too..she is a very quiet timid girl bought up well and i allways told her she was a target for the she wouldnt say boo to anyone..she wanted a career and didnt even finish basic training..she had to lie and say her dad had a heart attack to get a home visit and she escaped and was then put in hospital..their are bullys everywhere and some take it to far..I do think the situation at deepcut is suspicious..but try proving it!!
Also she recieved an out of court settlement and a army pension for life..even though she had only served a few was like admitting their guilt they dont hand pensions out lightly..
I only saw one case of bullying during 21 years in the Army, please belive me that it is NOT endemic in the Army, most soldiers are disgusted by bullys, I left as a S/Sgt in charge of training recruits and I would have come down so hard on any instructor of mine who I belived was involved in such activities

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