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What's going on with the kids today?

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Loosehead | 22:41 Fri 10th Mar 2006 | News
17 Answers
Why so cruel to animals? I see some yob threw a rabbit into the alligator enclosure and also I see today that a duck is slowly starving to death because some lowlife has tapped it's beak up. What happenned how did we managed to breed a generation of heartless thugs? How would you react if you where the parent of one of them?


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Or is it a case of more reporting and mass media coverage of everything. Pulling off spiders legs was always a favourite schoolboy past time. Dont tell me you did not do it!!
I'd like to think I brought my kids up with a damn sight more respect for people and animals than,it seems,these kids we see in the papers each day!If i was to find they were capable of anything like what i read I would be devastated!

My little cousin hes only 11 has gone to secondary school and he is being bullied badly. The little shytehawkes broke into their backgarden and cut the head off his rabbit.

I think its always been like this unfortunately. I got my cat after he had been nailed to a tree and shot, and somehow managed to craawl in my cat flap. Yet he still trusts people.

I am not the biggest animal lover out there but I dont understand the mentality at all.

Yeah of course this is a modern malaise and of course this is just restricted to 'the kids'.
Oh - wait a minute .........
Cruelty to animals has always existed probably as much as today but it's true that we didn't really get to hear about it. I read the story about the poor wee rabbit and immediately afterwards about some sadistic prat who'd thrown a puppy off a cliff.It really deeply upsets me and I hope, in fact I am convinced, that none of my children would ever dream of hurting an animal in such a way.I think the problem with anyone who harms animals for pleasure is inner self loathing and anger which you can usually spot a mile off my an air of macho bravado, serious tendancies to discriminate and other social vices.If people are brought up with no respect towards themselves or for themselves then they get ugly and animals cruelty is often their first port of call before they move onto other things.I have no tolerance for it at all, but I think it is indicative of a larger social problem.

Yeah it depends on the role model doesn't it,if they've been brought up to think that animals are ok to chase, and tear apart perhaps cos there "Overpopulated" then the kids don't stand a chance,

Yeah, halfwits; a new problem, definately.

Individual cases of cruelty to animals should be prosecuted as harshly as ever, but this isn't actually anything new.

These are the extreme cases that get reported. Let's not extrapolate from that that we live in a society that hates animals, but that we live in a society where abuse of animals is increasingly recognised as abherant and reportable.

cruelty to animals is a natural thing to all humans ask a boiling crab or a battery chicken , a caged songbird, a legless spider its always easier if you can justify the torture and to tell you the truth theres a case for the croc / rabbit scenario when you consider a calf being seperated from its mother after 2 days so her milk can be sold for your tea.

take the case of the greatest canine athlete of all the british bulldog ,at one time it could rip rend and destroy others of its ilk for up to 5 hours at a time whilst suffering the same treatment from its opponent, but this was deemed cruel so the dog breeders bred it for its looks and show potential and we are left with a breed that is so deformed it can no longer walk correctly, breath correctly and cannot give birth naturaly. 1 in a hundred of its ancestors would fight others in the pit the other 99 would live a long healthy life of 15 or16 years . nowadays 99 out of a hundred british bulldogs suffer a lifetime of inbred deformaty and die at about ten years old. which dog would you rather be

Yeah i agree,inbreeding dogs(and it is around in most breeds)is cruelty in the same league.

I think there must be something mentally wrong with children who torture/kill animals. I've often heard that murderers very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids. We're not talking stamping on ants here. A snippet of info I found:

* Cruelty to Animals: Most children can be cruel to animals, such as pulling the legs off of spiders, but future serial killers often kill larger animals, like dogs and cats, and frequently for their solitary enjoyment rather than to impress peers.

Probably chav kids - yes I know I'm going to be belittled for having the temerity to suggest such a thing - but I'd put my mortgage on it that it is.

They have no guidance from their parents, because they couldn't give a flying F what their kids get up to, and therefore these feral kids wander about wondering what sort of trouble they can inflict on people and, in this instance, animals.

Only last night, I could see lights through my curtains, so went out to investigate and found two kids (probably 14 I guess), at the bottom of my garden, which backs onto a field - which is how they gained access) trying to burn down my summer house. The police aren't interested, so no point in phoning them, so I grabbed hold of them and gave them a bloody good hiding: I'm not proud of what I did, and I expect their so called parents to come-a-knocking any time soon to have a go, but couldn't really care less - these little sh1t bags need to learn that they can't get away with stuff like this.

OK - start the abuse now.......................................

get in flip flop though no doubt youll get done for child abuse. when their dads come a knocking do the same to them.
Respect, one word but can make the world a different place
If the parents of the kids dont do nothing then tough so GOOD ON YOU FLIP-FLOP!

flip-flop - bet you weren't expecting this kind of response, but even as a wet leftie/liberal/PC brigade member, I say good on you, and if I were walking past, I'd probably want to take a swing at them too.

(I've been burgled in the past and have no time for street scum who befoul my property).

Thanks guys - the exact opposite of the reponses I was expecting as there are some people on this site (they know who they are) who would probably have recommended that I empathise with them and try find out why they acted in such a manner.....................
If these kids were capable of deep and meaningfuls then they wouldn't be going around doing what they do so empathy?HUH!

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What's going on with the kids today?

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