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Prisons Are's A Quick Win....

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ToraToraTora | 09:28 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
7 Answers

Ok I'm not saying let them all out but at least review the 2800 odd that are in there.



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It does seem excessive and idiotic but 12 prisons. They dont normally move prisoners around unless they are hard to manage. Maybe his brief should ask for the reasons he was moved and a copy of his adjudication record.

I agree TTT, this should have been tackled years ago.

We're ALL slowly dying.

i wonder how  different "round-the clock-" psychiatric care (which his sister says he needs)is to being in prison.  There is a significant oerlap in the prison and psychiatric services, so my guess is not much

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09:52 well it was a Noo Laybore law from 2005 repealed in 2012 but not retrospectively. But surely they can release most of them now.

One would have thought that having decided that sentencing form wasn't appropriate then all already given it would have had their situation reappraised. It certainly seems as if it was applied willy nilly and not kept for those who really were a danger to society. Unless there are related circumstances that we aren't be told of.


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