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Powers Of An Independent Nation.......right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 10:00 Tue 07th May 2024 | News
26 Answers

Sounds like someone has just watched braveheart for the 175th time! You won't be "independent" under the jackboot of the EUSSR me old china! Perlease!



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I think the idea of independence is a romantic 'Braveheart' notion with no sound basis in reality, either practically or economically.The Scottish people appear to have no real appetite for this pipe dream, so any party that wants to attract votes and kudos would be better leaving the notion where it was last seen -  in Mr Gibson's excellent fictional...
12:51 Tue 07th May 2024

How many times do you want to do this Tora? Does this post have an official birthday?

//'This country could do more if we had the powers of a normal, independent nation'//


It could indeed - like paying its own way rather than relying upon subsidies from the rest of us.

We're here when you want clean water or somewhere to ship your most sullen agitators off to though.

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10:02, do what? ask an obvious question? New leader same delusions.

I dont know why you think the SNP wants to get back into the EU 3T?Almost a third of their voters wanted nothing to do with the EU and voted for Brexit.

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10:08, who have we "shipped" to Scotland? There's no border we can't make anyone stay there anyway.

//How many times do you want to do this Tora? //

Well as many times as its repeated in the press maybe?

Give us English the vote, the SNP would get their wish and more.

I'd like to see us one untied nation but this continually nipping from the back brings the whole country down, business, fiannce, manufaturing have no clue what might happen and are naturally wary. 

So lets do it, off you totddle Scotland, bring back the groat (you dont want the GBP and you wont be allowed the EUR) and dont look back.

And we can man Hadrians to keep you out when it all falls flat on its face.


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That's always been their stated aim ynna.

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Wee Jimmy often said "...independent nation within the EUSSR" - completely failing to see the juxtaposition.

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quite YMB so why do they continue to use the word "Independence" ?

//I dont know why you think the SNP wants to get back into the EU 3T//


I got the impression that both Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf were planning to re-join the EU.

No need to get impressions Naomi, it is on balck and white on their own website I posted above:

Couple of excerpts:

"We believe that the best way to build a more prosperous and equal Scotland is to be a full independent member of the EU."

"nor our commitment to rejoining the EU as soon  as possible."


I dont know TTT, that has always puzzled me.  They would be a bit player and have to dance to the tune of the Germans and French.

But not my problem, if that is what they want then fine.  Go, let the rest of Britain start to rebuild.

> I'd like to see us one untied nation 

Dyslexics of the world, untie!

Ha yes, well rather be tied but seems they want to be untied.

For Funks Sake rather than dislexia I'm afradi 😀


Fat Finger Syndrome.

YMB, I was trying to break the news gently. :o)

I'm unconvinced that if the English had a vote that the SNP's pet project would become approved. Personally I think the mainland should be one nation. (It's just a pity much of the other main island nearby felt they wanted to create division, and get the control to run themselves independently. No doubt EU membership has helped them in the past when they were net beneficiaries, but now they begin to see the disadvantages of their choices coming to light.)

YNNAFYMMI, "I dont know why you think the SNP wants to get back into the EU 3T?Almost a third of their voters wanted nothing to do with the EU and voted for Brexit."

If your claim is correct, it means SNP supporters voted by a margin of 2:1 to remain in the EU.

You appear to have a problem grasping that fact.



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