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Animal Cruelty

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Blake_Wildfong | 18:12 Sun 09th Feb 2020 | News
27 Answers
Last Wednesday, a great Dane was found in a storage unit! According to Detroit Free press (a u.s. newspaper company) "Animal control responded to a call from U-Haul Moving and Storage Unit on Beckley Road after employees heard barking inside a locked unit, a violation of Battle Creek’s animal ordinance, the Battle Creek Enquirer reports. The dog was not believed to be in distress, so Ehart initially gave the owner a 24-hour notice of violation. By Wednesday, the owner had not responded and officials obtained a search warrant to remove the unit’s lock and free the Great Dane trapped inside.". The great Dane has found without food or water! This is uncalled for! Respond #NoAnimalCruelty!

Source: I just hate people who mistreat animals. No matter what country. Are you with me! This is no joke, this is a serious issues worldwide!


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I cannot imagine that anyone would condone animal cruelty, much less reply to that effect on a website like this one.

The only replies you are likely to receive will be in agreement with your position.
Agree with Andy and with you Blake, Animal cruelty stinks.
'The dog was not believed to be in distress' !!! That's the most stupid thing I've heard in a long time ...
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hereIam, I agree 100%. Animal cruelty should be stopped! Someone should make a petition on about this! More than likely,p it'll be me

Scroll down and start your own to add to the Petitions already in place Blake.

We have also a wealth of Charitable organisations here in the UK, I'm sure you have them too - people will sadly still behave badly.
Those that abuse animals deserve to be abused themselves. Roll on Karma.
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Karma's a b****! This guy deservers more than 93 days! Karma is gonna come and slap him in the face!
I shan't be signing your petition if you advocate abuse for abuse - that's not the way it's done.

Yes, punishment should better fit the crime but I won't support that attitude.

Good luck with it though.
Animal cruelty happens the world over and no petition is going to stop it. Tougher punishments and education of the young might help but it's just not in the psyche of some people (nations even) to care about animals.
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Just thinking about this makes me sad!
I'd like to lock him up in a container Blake without food and water and see how he damn well likes it ...
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At least this dog is treated well with love and care!
hereIam - // I'd like to lock him up in a container Blake without food and water and see how he damn well likes it ... //

Would not that reduce you to being as cruel as he is?

You could argue that your action would be in revenge for his, but that does not alter the fact that your action mirrors his.

He may claim ignorance or lack of understanding, I suggest that is not a defence you could offer for your response.

I think what is happening in china is karma for how they treat animals. It's really sad that the virus is spreading and killing people outside country. But i have no symptom for people that condone, and even enjoy this type of behaviour towards animals:
hope90 - // I think what is happening in china is karma for how they treat animals. //

I would hope that if it is 'karma' as you suggest, that it could be a little more selective, and target people who are cruel to animals, rather than simply sweeping indiscriminately across the planet as it appears to be doing.

Maybe that has rather more to do with the natural behaviour of bacteria, than the rather shaky notion of 'karma' - what do you think?
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Andy-Hughes - // I would hope that if it is 'karma' as you suggest, that it could be a little more selective, and target people who are cruel to animals, rather than simply sweeping indiscriminately across the planet as it appears to be doing.

Maybe that has rather more to do with the natural behaviour of bacteria, than the rather shaky notion of 'karma' - what do you think? //

Maybe. Or is it that "Karma's" a ***

Blake - // Andy-Hughes - // I would hope that if it is 'karma' as you suggest, that it could be a little more selective, and target people who are cruel to animals, rather than simply sweeping indiscriminately across the planet as it appears to be doing.

Maybe that has rather more to do with the natural behaviour of bacteria, than the rather shaky notion of 'karma' - what do you think? //

Maybe. Or is it that "Karma's" a *** //

As I understand it, Karma is a concept whereby the actions of a person or persons in this or a past life directly affect the lives of persons in the present or future.

It does not appear governed by any malicious or vengeful motive.
"I think what is happening in china is karma for how they treat animals."

You're playing a bit fast and loose with the word 'think' in that sentence.
I have already expressed my option, and like i have already said, it is very sad that it has taken lives outside of the country. I cried for 20 mins after reading the article regarding that poor little pig, and the idea of karma is giving me the sense that some kind of justice has been served, even if it is just a "shaky notion".

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