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war in iraq

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jamesy boy | 22:34 Tue 11th Oct 2005 | News
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Anybody in favour?

Come on, somebody must have approved.



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I approved, I can't beleive all the againsters can seriously say that removing SH was a bad thing.

Now can we get shot of Mugabe next!

I approved. It was just the wrong reason to go.
i agree with elfin, SH should have been got rid of the first time round but thank goodness he has been now. he may not have had WMD then but who knows what he would have done or was capable of doing in the future. the world is better off without a control freak in power.
Disapproved then, disapprove now. I will also disapprove of when they go into Iran to "end their nuclear weapons ambitions" or whatever the smoke and mirrors will be.

100 million percent in favour of the war. Don't think these folk were though.

'who knows what he would have done or was capable of doing in the future'... well, as nobody knows what anyone will do in the future, better kill us all right now.



no no, Mr Blair, I was joking!

we didn't kill as many iraqi's as sadam did; and we probably saved loads more than he ever would have.

Don't agree with war perse, and don't particularly like Blair; but we do live in a democracy, and so 'we' put Blair where he is, and so we pulled the trigger. And we still put him there even after the war started, so we carried on pulling the trigger, so most people can't have thought it was that big a mistake.

Blair is only a man, with no forsight and no crystal ball. He has no was of seeing the future and no way of re-running his choices.

He is doing the job that he does, because I wouldn't want to. I say again, Blair is not my first choice, but he is the first choice of my countryman and so he has my support.
fair point mimi - he did stand for election again after the war, and won, so that validates his actions politically, if not morally. The trouble was, the opposition were all in favour of the war too, so voters didn't have much of a choice in the matter either way. I wish the opposition would oppose on things that matter once in a while.
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I approved as per CT's post.  We did the right thing but TB sold us on the idea which was based upon flawed "evidence".  If tony had stood up and said "right we are getting rid of saddam cos of his human rights atrocities" not many could have argued, but then we would have had to apply the same logic for mugabe, N korea etc.

The fact is that there was probably a slight majority in favour but the difference being that the anti war protestors made a lot of noise whereas there wasn't any (nor should there be) pro-war marches.

Of course, the only thing that rattles me a tiny bit is in light of people like Mugabe and various other opressed peoples around the world who are under the power of dictators and despots: i don't see us rescuing anyone who isn't also sitting on a major oil reserve.

This does make me uncomfortable; we don't seem to be rushing out to help those who have nothing to offer us in return.
Also, if memory serves correctly, Lib Dem said they would pull our troops out of Iraq if they came in at the last election. (I could have dreamt that though and haven't time to look it up on the web). I believe that was their main chat up line to the voter
Yeah but if you are going to elect the lib dems just so they pull our troops out, isn't the cure worse than the desease?

well, yes.  A rock and a hard place I guess.  But it still shows just how unpassionate people actually are re iraq and that they prefer to choose the policies that affect their own country first.  And then they start criticising our govenment (who frankly are keeping us just about one of the rich countries, free health, free motorway travelling (kind a) free benefits, free ed etc etc, what ever you wanna say about those servise, we do actually have those services and an infinite freedom enviable to many peoples around the world), and the choices that the govenment makes.

Sounds like people want their cake and also to not only eat it but have it with a hot cup of Earl Grey thrown into the bargain.

Saddam Hussein was a dictator. He was instrumental in the killing of thousands of Kurds and iraqis and even hisown family members who were critical of his rule /his party or just belonged to the other islamic sect. His sons were brutal men who misused their power and position and killed thousands too. But if you see pictures of saddam as late as in the 1999 or 2001 there were thousands of supporters who would line the streets singing his praise. they were not rented mobs but genuine supporters who would die for him. Their love of their leader was clear to see. They were in their 10s of thousands.

Now coming to Blair and Bush. They were instrumental in an illegal invasion of a sovereign republic using their christian armies. They bombed schools, wedding parties, restaurants, houses and everything from 32000 feet and killed 100,000 people. They went in despite opposition from a majority of their people. But they have their supporters who will sing their praises here and elsewhere.

Funny that

So Dom Tuk we should just have let Hitler get on with it should we?
dom i have fought in Iraq (against them) and I am not a christian!!!   Further I can't recall bombing a wedding party, school or restauant either.  Funny that my memory is usually so good.

I have to agree with a few of the people on here with reagrds to the general public not having correct information and the answers it recieved were unjust.  Firstly the problem is that the general public are all to happy to go with the flow of whatever the medai tells us.  The Media says  "no WMD in Iraq"  Take a look at the map you people, Iraq is huge, I'm sure they don't have signposts showing us where they are.  Furthermore, incase you hadn't noticed, due to the troubles that have stemmed thanks to  thugs thinking they can bully the country back into Dictatorship, the main effort has now been put on keeping people alive and trying to get a safe and secure government out there.

To any of you who have ever/do oppose the War/Occupation,  before you judge, get off your arse, get on a flight to Iraq and see for yourself how these people live!  Ask them what they want!  Unable to belive media reports, I did, and anyone who opposes this occupation should seriously reconsider their moral values!

Imagine A policeman knocking on your door, raping you in front of your husband, then shooting your husband.  Why? because he can.  Imagine being beaten to a pulp for looking North at 1600 hrs, Why? becasue he can.  Imagine having to live with no power, clean water, or food because it all goes to the Palace and the Thugs that run it.  The list is endless.


well said JT sir.

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