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The Bicycle Test

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emmie | 16:40 Mon 16th Dec 2013 | News
36 Answers
interesting points of how one could be perceived


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This subject always gets me going. Although I observe quite a few very attentive & good cyclists there are far too many selfish law breakers out on the roads ( as there are car drivers) who will not obey highway rules. I suggest it is time to tackle the bad apples who are giving the rest a bad press. ALL road users should be seen to be obeying road rules with heavy...
19:16 Mon 16th Dec 2013
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scroll right down to the lady who presumably came a cropper from one,
and i have been knocked into by cyclists riding on the pavements, spat at, sworn at and more, need more proof
I am not wrong.

I said I hadn't seen any cyclists on the pavement. I haven't.
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well you haven't, i have and the photos prove that they do it, and in large numbers, it's pathetic.
You have proved nothing. Most of those photos in that Google search are NOT cycling illegally on the pavement. There are spaces assigned for BOTH cyclists and Pedestrians, if you click on the link of the first photo, it explains that.
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so i have to rely on my own eyes, which i need to keep moving to see the miscreants. They ding bells at you, bump into you, and indeed swear when you don't move out the way, pavements are not for cyclists. The local traffic police know of the problem and have gone some way to dealing with it, but it's an ongoing big problem
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its not just limited to the capital, sure every place has problems like this lady.
This subject always gets me going. Although I observe quite a few very attentive & good cyclists there are far too many selfish law breakers out on the roads ( as there are car drivers) who will not obey highway rules. I suggest it is time to tackle the bad apples who are giving the rest a bad press. ALL road users should be seen to be obeying road rules with heavy fines doled out to those who do not. I would also like to see compulsory insurance for all road users ( including ALL foreign visitors)

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after being asked for help, my reckoning was that around 70 percent of cyclists in the capital cycle over red lights, my figures were given to the local traffic police when i was asked for input, to do with one of their cycle safety crackdowns, they either received a fine or had a long talk on road, cycle safety,
It came as a surprise to the senior officer, he said he had no idea the problem was so bad. same for pavement jockeys, they have no shame.
Cycling on the pavement is much safer than on the road, and that's a fact. Would you advise (your) children to do otherwise?
In our town the council designated cycling lanes next to the pavement. Having dutifully tried to use them, I find so many cars flagrantly parked on them that the game 'aint worth the candle. Haven't cycled in London for years but in Amsterdam and other Dutch cities they appear to rule the road.
The difference between Holland and the UK could not be wider. The Dutch have been designing infrastructure and road layouts for 40 years to safely accommodate cars, cycles and pedestrians. They have reaped the benefits of less congestion, cleaner cities and safer roads for all. In the UK, pedestrians and cyclists have been ignored for generations. The result is that now, as both walking and cycling have increased due to health benefits and the crash, our poor safety is being shown up. We could learn a lot from the Dutch. Only problem is that it will take until 2050 to impliment the changes needed.
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khandro, well thank you for your words of wisdom, so should we let all cyclists ride on the pavement, if so where do we pedestrians walk
emmie; In other European towns and cities (see above) it is done by demarcation of a cycle-only strip of the pavement by colour. On first encounter with this system by tourists, the difference in speed between a cyclist and a pedestrian at such close proximity can seem alarming, particularly when they pass from behind, but one gets quickly used to it and it is no more different than a vehicle passing a short distance from you on the road. The incidence of accidents caused by cyclist running into pedestrians is very slight compared to vehicles running into cyclists on the road.
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so what are you suggesting, there are plentiful cycle lanes for cyclist, i don't venture on them, it's their territory, so why do they think it's ok to cycle on the only space i need to walk along safely, the pavement, if i cross the road i wait for the signal it's safe to so, many cyclists don't, they ride over red lights, as though immune to injury or death by an oncoming vehicle. their choice, but it's not safe for any pedestrian when they do this, nor when they cycle on the pavements, it is by the way illegal,

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and they don;t let you pass, they expect you to get out of the way, you need to look at the capital and see why so many cyclists get killed, it's not always their fault, but many just don't have a clue about cycling safely, no cycle helmet, no lights, so can't be seen at night, riding up at the side of the bus, large goods vehicles, and zig zagging in and out of traffic, it's stupid and very dangerous. And i am blowed that the little space we have to walk on the pavement is abused at all

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