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Dont You Find It Ironic......

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bazwillrun | 19:38 Sun 10th Nov 2013 | News
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People fought and lost their lives to stop this country from being invaded by The Third Reich ...yet here we are being taken over by The Third World !?.....


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"if you are still a little confused, is the fact that some will try and belittle or even insult one, in an attempt to silence that person"."

For someone who demands to be treated as wise, you have an incredibly strange understanding of what free speech actually is. It means that you get to say what you want, and I get to say anything I like back at you. That's what's happened here. Stop pretending that you and your friends are being oppressed somehow. You have not got a clue about what it means to be silenced.
aog is welcome to obfuscate his past for the sake of anonymity; I do the same myself. But I think it unwise to tell others what they should do on the basis of your own experience, when you won't say what your experience is.

That's why I cited my own experience with my doctor as a basis for saying the NHS needs immigrants with medical skills. I believe there are statistics bearing this out more widely. Foreigners are keeping the NHS going. I can only suppose the government finds it cheaper to import doctors than to train them, though there may be some other reason for this.
Everybody is entitled to free speech K, even those that conflate WW2 and immigration. It even applies to those that consistently use the pages of AB for xenophobic rants, because that all this post is...nothing more. Its just a new way to introduce the topic of immigration.
/those from the Indian sub-continent/

who also /fought and lost their lives to stop this country from being invaded by The Third Reich/

not just the Far East Campaign - Italy and North Africa

/// For someone who demands to be treated as wise, you have an incredibly strange understanding of what free speech actually is. ///

Could it be that it is your understanding of free speech which is a little wrong.

My understanding of free speech is having the right to an opinion, that some others might not agree with, but when those others accuse all them who disagree with themselves are labelled as Nazis, racist, fascists etc etc, then it no longer becomes a case of free speech, it becomes a case of "agree with me or I will openly abuse, ridicule, and insult you".
Play nicely girls !
Sorry, but if I wanted to call you a fascist (which I don't), then I have the right to. Nobody is taking your right to speak away by using theirs.
Perhaps I am wrong but I note that no one in this discussion actually took part in WW2, I am 88 years old & actually did serve in the RAF from 1943 to 1947 so I feel that just maybe I can give an opinion. I feel that over decades both the German & French nations tried their utmost to subjugate the United Kingdom & failed to do so, yet now we find that by forming an alliance ( The EU) they are able to dictate what we can & cannot do in this our beloved country. Surely this can not be right in this supposed Democracy.


/// Stop pretending that you and your friends are being oppressed somehow. You have not got a clue about what it means to be silenced. ///

Well whatever it is, it seems to have worked in bazwillrun case, because 'Baz' apparently has indeed 'run', and I have been left to defend free speech all on my own, which seeing that I am preaching to the unconverted I will now withdraw from this debate.
/I have been left to defend free speech all on my own/

delusions of grandeur from aog

rather like his claims to WW2 credentials apparently
Well said wr, my sentiments entirely, and they are archieving this subjugation without firing a bullet.
I am a great protector of free speech aog, but has it occurred to you that as almost everybody has disagreed with baz on his post, that he might have withdrawn gracefully ? Free speech means that when someone makes a daft post, everybody is allowed to disagree with that person. It works both ways.
WR well said " Surely this can not be right in this supposed Democracy"

Flagging a little, aog?
That's true WR

Arguably European history since 1870 has been about Germany and the other European states dealing with it.

So if the EU is the new theatre of war, is that better than the shooting kind?

and should we pitch in and fight our corner or make an attempt at 'neutrality' and hope the winners don't pick us off later?
"I am a great protector of free speech..." haha, very funny mike lol
AOG, earlier I'd only mentioned some of the foreigners who have come and made a positive contribution to the UK. Thank you for reminding me of the Asians who, as you have said, also played their part in making our country what it is today.
"Well whatever it is, it seems to have worked in bazwillrun case, because 'Baz' apparently has indeed 'run',"

That's his choice. What would you rather? That he posted and everyone just agreed with him, when they didn't actually think it? Or that people who disagreed with him didn't say anything?

Baz said something, people said they disagreed with it and explained why (i.e. they thought it was silly). Then you popped up and started saying that you're being silenced or oppressed or something.

Free speech hasn't been violated. Everyone has said what they think.
Ron, it looks as though France has realised the truth of the maxim "If you can't beat them, join them." Britain has not.

The origin of the EU I believe was not an attempt to make them a power bloc, it was simply to stop them devastating Europe by fighting each other, three times in a century. But it turns out that peace and unity have brought strength and prosperity. Up to Britain how much it wants to join in.
incidentally, Ron, given your age - how do you actually feel about it all? Are you better off than you were in 1938, or 1955? Have improvements in, say, science, medicine, mass media or communications made your life better? Or are they outweighed by the downsides? Could or should Britain have isolated itself from any global movements?

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