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Hang all these savages

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DrFilth | 19:28 Thu 10th Nov 2011 | News
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upside down by their goolies and give a them a bit of their own medicine



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I posted on this one last night, DrF - universal disgust. It's been on the local TV news - he's identifiable - little sh1te was almost dancing down the street with the poor cat. He's a beautiful cat too - thankfully no lasting physical damage, he could have dislocated his tail. The cat is said to be placid so probably let him pick him up. I'd like get my hands on that...
19:39 Thu 10th Nov 2011
The thing is that a person's worth can generally be judged by how well or poorly he treats things who are weaker than himself. The weaker and more defenceless the creature the more it deserves our compassion, thus whilst I agree with you that people should only be judged by their actions not their personalities, I have a huge problem with people decrying this person who are then perfectly happy to kill a spider because they are ' scared' of it. ALL things should be trated with kindness and respect, and that is what we need to be teaching our children, from spiders to cats to people, it is all the same.
oh yes, I have no problem with the guy being caught and punished, CD. But... being used as a mine detector in Afghanistan? Where do people dream up these revenge ideas?

DrFilth, I don't suppose Baby P was any better placed to report cruelty than this cat was. But I feel far, far more upset about him than about the cat.
NOX I wholeheartedly agree with you. Well said. To me a person who mistreats animals has no respect for life at all.

I have no problem with people not particularly liking animals or not wanting pets, but cruelty to animals is absolutely abhorent.
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jno, granted with a baby but humans as they grow speak, animals are unable to tell you in human speak what has been done to them
I can honestly say that I can get just as upset over cruelty to an animal as I can over cruelty to a child. I just get upset and angry over any form of cruelty, most especially to the defenseless.
No I agree with you LL, I don't think they feel any less pain. It's rather that I don't give the same imortance to an animal being mistreated or injured as I would to a child. Not to say I don't feel sorry for it or want the perpetrators punished but I think I just don't put animals on the same level as humans. I also don't think you should be punished as much for hurting/mistreating an animal as you would a human. I also thought that the woman putting the cat in the bin was blown ridiculously out or proportion.I'm not saying I am right or wrong at all, just my opinion is all.

Mind you, no red mist appears for me regarding cruelty to children either. I think perhaps I am a bit more detached in my attitude. Again, not saying this is a good or a bad thing.

I think animal cruelty and how we approach it is very much like marmite, you either get very upset about it or you're more like jno and I, I don't think there's any middle ground at all.
well, how did you feel about Baby P, DrFilth? Would you have been happy if his killers had got the same sentence as someone who killed a cat? I don't know how other people on this thread feel, but I can say flatly that I would have been very unhappy indeed if that had been the case.
What sentence would be considered proportionate?, say for the charge of criminal damage to cat etc.
or how about the other way jno? How about the killers of a cat got the same sentence as a killer of a human?
^^^ Where did all those posts come from?! I was replying to your earlier response LL but think it's probably been covered now!

I quite like Nox's post actually. I am petrified of most things with more than four legs. I always want them to be taken outside rather than killed though, it's not the creatures fault I'm a wuss.
Guilty though of whacking houseflies - but it's a quick death and not cruelty!! Oh dear.
It is about time this country got a back bone and did something about this type of abuse and cruelty.

What kind of a monster would hurt such a defenceless little animal?
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jno please feel free to show me where i have said people should get the same punishment as those who murder babies

if you don't have a problem with these savages hurting peoples pets that is your problem, one day they may hurt your daughter, son etc and then you may think of the wise words i have posted
How about grabbing them by their "tails" and swinging them around for a while by them! Hanging is too good for some people.
Anyone who abuses anything weaker than themselves is a bully and needs to be taken behind the bicycle sheds for the matter to be discussed in the time honoured fashion.
Yeah you see that's where all my Buddhist best intentions go down the pan about evrything being treated equally kindly rsvp, because whilst I've never met an animal I'd like to kill, there have been quite a few people and I'd happily give this little ar53 a really good hiding. It's total hypocrisy on my part but I can't help it, I have a strong desire to really beat the bejaysus into cruel people.
NOX Me too. I don't like myself much for it, but as far as cruelty is concerned I sort of like the idea of an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth. Not that I approve of it as far as the law is concerned. But I can't stomach cruelty of any kind to any living thing.
Baby P's home was littered with the carcasses of dead animals. I wonder which they started abusing first.
Flog the perpetrator in public with 50 lashes from a cat o'nine tails!!!
B00, I think people who harm humans should get harsher penalties - much harsher - than people who harm animals.

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