WidgetsYes Minister is classic satirical comedy. The original series and the sequel Yes, Prime Minister starred Paul Eddington (James ‘Jim’ Hacker), Sir Nigel Hawthorne (Sir Humphrey Appleby) and Derek Fowlds (Bernard Woolley). The series were based on the Machiavellian interactions of the three main...
12:07 Wed 30th Jun 2010 WidgetsThe Jason Bourne Series is spy thriller at its best. There are three films in the series which are loosely based on the books by Eric Van Lustbader. The films are The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum. Matt Damon plays the lead and he utterly owns the role.Audiences ha...
16:25 Wed 23rd Jun 2010The Westminster Central Hall is Central Hall Westminster, a unique and historic building, centrally located across the road from Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament. The Hall operates as a conference and exhibition centre, a concert hall, an art gallery, serviced offices, a Methodist church, a tourist attrac...
16:37 Mon 24th May 2010Guildhall has been the heart of the administration of the City since the twelfth century. This was an era when the Lord Mayor of London rivalled the monarch for influence and prestige. The Guildhall was where he and the ruling merchant class held court and helped create London’s wealth.
Today, 800 years on, Guil...
16:37 Mon 24th May 2010By @ArmyOfDave
Remember the Nick Griffin Question Time Drinking Game Thems were good times, weren’t they
So when @chickenprincess asked me on Twitter if we were going to have a drinking game for Thursday’s election debate I thought “Why the bloody hell not "
So here are the rules ...
16:37 Mon 24th May 2010Political Party Websites
If you’re looking for information on a party or a policy then visiting a political party website will provide you with plenty of information.
Visiting a party’s website can also give you a great insight into who they are, how they work and what they stand for. These websites a...
16:37 Mon 24th May 2010Gurbux SinghThe Commission for Racial Equality has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Former chairman Gurbux Singh has resigned after he admitted using threatening behaviour at a cricket
01:00 Thu 08th Aug 2002Chirac: targetA man is arrested in Paris for attempting to shoot France's President Chirac by the Arc de Triomphe during the Bastille Day celebrations. Sadly, this is by no means an isolated incident
01:00 Mon 15th Jul 2002 Well, ITV have produced a controversial documentary (When Jeremy Thorpe Met Norman Scott) that airs once more claims that the former Liberal Party leader had sex with a young stablehand and model
01:00 Thu 11th Jul 2002 Jodie Day asked: In what year did the first Oxfam shop open Oxfam dates back to the Second World War. The Nazi occupation of Greece lead to an Allied blockade of that country, with fearful
01:00 Thu 27th Jun 2002On the eve of his 82nd birthday, the question of Pope John Paul II retiring has surfaced again. In what appeared to be unsanctioned comments, Honduran Archbishop Oscar Maradiaga announced in Rome
01:00 Thu 16th May 2002On the eve of the French Presidential election that has shocked the world, a brief portrait of the man who stands between Jean-Marie Le Pen and the Elysee Palace. France votes on May 5 to decide
01:00 Mon 29th Apr 2002asks Pathfinder:A. Well, 17.06% of those who voted chose the far right-winger Jean-Marie Le Pen in the first stage of the French presidential election. And Le Pen, who came second to President Jacques
01:00 Mon 22nd Apr 2002asks Pathfinder:A. The US Senate has just thrown out one of President Bush's most controversial proposals: drilling for oil in Alaska - in the one and half million acre Arctic national wildlife
01:00 Fri 19th Apr 2002asks admason:A. No. Government ministers have ruled out reintroducing a mass vaccination. Q. Why has the Government just ordered a big supply then A. The Government has ordered 16 million doses of
01:00 Mon 15th Apr 2002asks Dreich:A. All security around NASA launches has tightened since the September 11 terrorist attacks. As part of its new safety policy, the US space agency made no announcement about the launch.
01:00 Fri 12th Apr 2002asks Bronski:A. It all went badly wrong at Shotts maximum security prison in Lanarkshire last Wednesday evening. There was an electrical storm that cut off the electricity just after 8pm. At the time,
01:00 Fri 05th Apr 2002asks PDTV:A. There has been a wave of attacks on synagogues and Jewish-owned property in France since the Easter weekend. A synagogue in Marseilles was destroyed by fire, stolen cars were rammed
01:00 Wed 03rd Apr 2002asks dogbreath:A. After fleeing Operation Anaconda - which the Taliban saw as a victory because they suffered few casualties - many of the Taliban activists are now based in Pakistan's Northwest
01:00 Fri 29th Mar 2002asks ursula:A. Lloyd's List, the shipping industry's newspaper, has announced that it will neuter ships from now on. The newspaper, founded in 1734, will now refer to ships as 'it', ending the
01:00 Thu 21st Mar 2002