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annemarie101 | 19:13 Thu 25th Jul 2013 | Jobs & Education
13 Answers
What are the regulations that affect customer service work?


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Here are some ideas
List the main ones and discuss/explain how they affect customer services
factor i think that is australia but could be wrong
You are right dotty, there will be a better one which lists the relevant UK regulations but I think the issues are the same. I think annemarie's course notes/ books will list the actual Uk regulations under these headings
Your list is a good starting point dotty. The list will need to be extended for different industries to cover things such as money laundering, treating customers fairly, Food safety standards, health& safety at work Act, etc
Question Author

It does it says
Data protection act
Equal opportunities
consumer protection
safety sign regulations
manul handling ect

I have a list comiled already but im sure there are ALOT more
What exam board are you following - this is the OCR syllabus for the unit dealing with legislation and includes a list of regulations/laws to take into consideration -
manual handling comes under HASAWA which we do every 6 months.
if you need to know about that you'll also need
It depends which sector you work in, too, as there may be sector-specific items. Don't forget your fire training - that's a statutory obligation.
Question Author
I work in retail (Charity shop) if that helps
You'll still be governed by the Fire regulations, health & safety at work, manual handling, working time directive, and so on.
Question Author
I have things like that on my list. The only one i dont have is the work time directive. I havent heard of it i will try google

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