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Do You Buy Plastic Bags

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emmie | 09:18 Thu 28th Nov 2019 | News
57 Answers
perhaps we need a rethink -


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There's only one sure way of dealing with plastic carrier bags, and that's to ban supermarkets from selling them completely. I know there's been a big reduction since charging for them, but is it the answer? no I don't think so. We would soon get used to taking our own cloth bags when going shopping, like years ago.
10:32 Thu 28th Nov 2019
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those so called Bags for Life ones. I don't have plastic bags when my shopping is delivered to my home, so don't feel the need to worry, but obviously plenty of people still buy them on a regular basis..
No, I don't ever buy plastic bags. I have a vast collection of cloth bags that I've made from leftover bits of fabric.
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good for you... ^^
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Sales of "bags for life" rose to 1.5bn last year as the amount of plastic used by supermarkets increased to 900,000 tonnes, Greenpeace research has found.
No - I have a "bag for life" that I take for my regular shop & a few bags from ages ago kept in the car for if I make unexpected purchase.
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i confess i have plastic bags left over when i have bought my own shopping, but now i have it delivered i ask them not to pack in plastic bags.
would increasing the cost of the bags for life make any difference.
I keep the hessian type supermarket bags in the car but if I need a bag I buy one.
If they increased the cost of "bags for life" to £1 there would be far fewer bought.
No - why should I pay to advertise the company.

If the bags were blank then maybe I would buy.
I have a couple of bags for life, one normal, one insulated for frozen goods, plus a two wheel trolley, which probably makes me an 88 year old woman, but it's so useful!
PS. I do buy plastic sacks for my non-recyclable rubbish (which isn't a lot). Does that count?
Me too, dave. I never put any kitchen waste in the bin without tying it in a bin bag.
We are expected to put our non-recyclable rubbish in a black bin bag - and food goes in a compostable green one before it goes in the food bin.
I seem to get at least 2 "textiles for charity" bags delivered every week. I don't have that many textiles to recycle! So I use those to line the kitchen rubbish bin. The only plastic bags I buy are freezer bags which I wash and re-use until they're full of holes - I've been doing this for years - my kids thought I was being a tight wad but they now applaud it!
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good to see some take this seriously, i confess i use bin liners as well.. our bin area is down stairs so can hardly take the rubbish down without one.
Regardless of where the bin is, waste should well wrapped. Anything else is dirty and unhygienic.
Yes, because I usually forget my bag for life, when I buy so many items that I'm unable to carry them, I'm forced to buy another one.

It would be nice if stores offered paper bags. Alternatively, offer old cardboard boxes from the stock they have sold to help people carry items to their vehicles.
Production of paper bags isn't exactly kind to the environment either.
No I don't buy plastic shopping bags which means when I want one I don't have one. I don't try to purchase more than I can either carry or load the car boot/back seat with.
We do need to find an environmentally friendly yet cheap storage/carry option though.
Like diddlydo I use the charity bags for my rubbish as I only ever donate to 1 of the charities. I also get them off friends who don't use theirs. I have shopping bags (not plastic) that I leave in the boot of the car and Tesco stopped delivering with plastic bags a while ago. A friend of mine is unable to get to the shops so has her shopping delivered, but if she runs out of things between shops her son goes to the local shops for her, but he won't take any type of bag with him and so every week he buys the bags for life.It made me wonder if other young men and some ladies of course are embarrassed about taking bags to the shops?

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