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Corrie's Fiz

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Glpblondie | 20:55 Mon 31st Jan 2011 | Film, Media & TV
39 Answers
So they keep mentioning that theres not money coming in....why isn't she receiving maternity pay from the factory? I'm confused??


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no money even lol
Don't do it Fiz! Colin's Mum hasn/'t left him any money!
I heard she had Lardy. There's her house at least.
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apparently she's left him her house and 7 or 8 grand
Anybody know what tipped John over the edge? I must have missed that episode!
And I've must the bit where Eileen got the job at the factory! When was that!!?
I dunno - you blink - and it all happens! Chesney'll be drawing his pension next week!
This all happened last week. John's being going down hill for a while.
Ohhhhhh, are they going to inherit the Mother Fishwicks fortune?
Sorry to go off point but quick question...anyone else curious as to where Eccles disappeared to during the tram crash?? Noone cared about poor Eccles haha
Hi Suezy. Who is/was Eccles?
Ken and Deirdres Doggy
Perhaps they didn't renew his contract!
hahah..It's all about Schmichael haha
Do you actually watch Corrie lardy? Lol
It's allegedly pure guilt that's tipped john over the edge. He almost confessed to the
doctor as much in a recent episode.
Chrissa - I believe lardy catches some episodes when it is not the tomato growing season
With on eye chrissa. Gets on my nerves most days. And I just want to deck Rula Lenska
Oh that Rula Lenska one, I never liked her when she was in BB, now that she's in corrie I just cant take to her.
She's all hair, literally!

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