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Rondy | 15:22 Fri 07th Apr 2023 | Jokes
1 Answers
The boy scouts went camping with the girl guides, the excitement was in tents.

I tried to sneak into a Star Trek convention disguised as a doctor but the security guard suspected I wasn't the real McCoy!

When I was young I felt like a male trapped inside a female body.....then I was born.

The horn on my car broke, but I was able to fix it because I used to be in the Boy Scouts.
‘Beep repaired’.

I said to the stewardess "What height are we flying at?".
She replied: "36,000 ft or maybe 33,000 ft, what does it matter, you idiot?"
She definitely had a bad altitude problem.

My wife is leaving me due to my obsession with police interview techniques.
And for the benefit of the tape she is leaving the house at 11.33am.

Police are on the hunt for a vandal spraying things purple.
They've warned the public not to approach him, as he has violet tendencies.


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