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Tipping Point

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Bazile | 20:08 Wed 15th Jan 2020 | Film, Media & TV
15 Answers
On the show , when the contestant doesn't take the gamble of going for the ten thousand ; why don't they always show what would have happened had they decided to take the gamble ?


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Time constraints?
I have wondered this myself at times and concluded it depends on whether they have a few minutes spare to fill before end of programme.
They show the gamble/trade only if the jackpot counter falls off the top shelf. Maybe they are changing that policy as of late.
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Or perhaps they don't always do that bit
They ALWAYS do that bit Bazile. IF the prize counter falls off the top shelf. I’ve watched the program from when it first started many series ago.
As David said they do show 'what would have happened' usually when the star token is on the bottom shelf had they taken the trade.
Sensibly it only makes sense if there looks a chance that they may have hit the jackpot.
If they have no chance, they don't show it.
It always annoys me about what 'would' have happened. Its what 'could' have happened!
Here's what you would have won ...'it a speed boat'
Has anyone ever won £20,000 by getting the double and the star?

I haven't seen that.
When they show what would have happened, is it the competitor who presses the button - because if its done automatically then it could be a different result.
But its a different time and a different push, Lankeela. Could be totally different result.
Nobody has ever won the £20,000. In the early shows Ben used to push the button if a trade was excepted. They got rid of that. Also the top prize was £10,000.
The bumped that up fairly recently. Only if you get the double at the same time as the prize counter.
Nobody has won the £20,000, but on one occasion when they showed what would have happened if the contestant had taken the trade (which, incidentally they always show if there is a realistic chance of the jackpot counter going over), not only did the contestant get the jackpot counter over, they got it over with the Double - and would have won the £20,000. D'oh!

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