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Law Of Tort

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jasmine9ja | 09:24 Thu 01st Jul 2021 | Law
2 Answers
The meaning and fundamental of torts are distinct from those of contract, however one streams into the other in certain aspect,you can say same for tort and crime


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Jasmine, reposting your question won't get it answered any quicker.
No I think you have to do this yourself using your lectures and course materials

you extract the streams from contract to tort - I cant think of any actually

and then you extract ( perhaps after a cup of coffee or a cold shower) the streams connecting crime and tort

of which the only thing I can think of is - wrongful deatha and gross negligence manslaughter - or any other crime where the mens rea can be negligence

and then in the final paragraph compare the two and come to the conclusion that you cant ( say the same 0 - lay your pen down and go out for a pint of beer

yeesh glad I didnt do this sort of stuff at law school

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