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Katie price

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PatriciaH | 12:18 Fri 29th Jun 2007 | Celebrity Gossip
42 Answers
Has had the baby... a girl , six pounds and thirteen name yet -dont post to slag her off now........shes got a real good money making brain in that head and i say good luck to her


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Only one numpty answer so far eh? She has done good for herself and anyone who says they wouldnt do what she has for money- posing- are telling porkies!
Ah, fair enough, thanks, missrandom. I hadn't read that. I actually really like her. She doesn't have her head shoved up her bum unlike other 'celebrities', and has a sense of humour about the whole thing. :o)
I'm not against parents working!

I'm not against 'glamour' models (even though I do find it tacky in the extreme)!

But earning 'loads of money' does not a good mother make, I'm afraid.

And let's face it... getting sozzled when you're pregnant is NOT ideal.

I simply find her crass, unappealing and without class.

I pity her children.
and she's very straight about it all, says it how it is. I think she's very good with harvey, she didnt let him get away with things, that a lot of other mums might, because of his disability.
What numpty answer would that be then? As far as I can see, there are differences of opinion on her parenting 'skills' which deviates from the original question (was it a question? Or a statement?) so there's really no need to call people's thought out answers 'numpty' answers.

The picture of her spilling into limos, legs akimbo and looking worse for wear speak volumes and I believe that she has admitted consuming levels of alcohol, outwith the considered safe parameters in pregnancy. Hardly puts her forward for candidate of mother of the year does it? Furthermore , out of curiosity I watched her utterly repugnant reality show about her and Peter Andre and what shines through more than anything , is her lack of interest in her kids. He is very much left 'holding the baby' so to speak whilst she flits about preening herself. Perfect example being her talking about how little Harvey had been violently sick and had diarrohea in the bath (if memory serves me correclty) and she couldn't attend to him because she had just had her nails done (???) so she let Peter get on with it and sat giggling about it. I'm sorry but nails or no nails , my first thoughts would have been with my sick child and I would have been attending to him.

Totally agree with your sentiments Purpose.

Oh and for the record , whilst I agree that she has been successful in squirrelling away huge chunks of money, I can honestly say hand on heart that no , I would most certainly NEVER get my kit off for money and I am not telling porkies as you suggest. Whilst I don't condemn others for wanting to do so, I find that very tacky and would never resort to that for money, even if I found myself in very hard times - much in the same way that I would never prostitute myself. There are always other options.
Would not dream of slagging her off, apart from saying she is a complete airhead with a dimbo for a husband, whose only claim to fame is a pair of ridiculously pumped up t1tt1es.
Re enigma's (valid and well thought out) point:

If my answer was a 'numpty' one... then so be it!

I am CLEARLY a 'numpty' with class.

I think I can live with that... lol...
My post disappeared. It wasn't offensive, and I'm not typing it all again.
basically then you think ( i quote) -
"I simply find her crass, unappealing and without class."
I have aggreed that the alcohol in pregnancy was completely out of order, but that was in her first pregnancy years ago, everyone makes mistakes (albeit a huge one) but its in the past and she didnt do it with her subsequent pregnancys. but as for the rest, "without class" class whats class? when someone thinks they are better than someone else because they chose a different career to you, or has different values to you. I dont beleive in classes, we are all the same. i didnt see the bit a poo in the bath, but whats wrong with the dad dealing with the situation? it doesnt have to be mum all the time, just because you and I would do it ourselves, doesnt make it wrong. my husband has leaned up sick in the past, even though i have been there. We are all only getting a snippet of the "real" katie price, we dont know what happens when the cameras arent rolling. she might not be the best mum, but she's not a bad mum.

oops i mean "cleaned up sick", not leaned up sick, although he may have done that too, but not to my knowledge, lol.
she said on the paul o grady show that she wasnt calling her crystal and didnt know where the magazine got that from!!
missrandom... I was giving my opinion. I do not wish to row with you or anyone :0)

To me, 'class' has nothing to do with chosen career - but everything to do with values.

I think she is perfect in every way to be married to a muppet, to fall out of nightclubs and to earn 'loads of money' by exhibiting herself - I genuinely do!

But I still feel sorry for her kids.
no, i am not rowing either, i too am giving my opinion aswell. I just feel she a bit of an easy target, i really dont think she's a bad mum, i dont believe she's not classy, as i dont believe in classes. i dont feel sorry for her kids, they have a mum and dad who are in love, they are loved and cared for, even if a lot of the caring is done by the grandmother. There are a lot of woman who go out to work all day, and dont get half the stick she does. It all comes down to the fact that she gets her boobs out and some people dont like it.
When it comes down to it - getting your boobs out for cash is tacky (in my opinion).

Now, I honestly have no issue with ANYONE doing that per se... I enjoy naked bodies as much as the next person!

But she is just SO undignified. Tacky. Cheap. Plastic-looking... etc...

Where is her self-respect...?!

Perhaps I can just imagine how hideous it must be to have THAT for a mother and to have to live in her shadow. What a life!

Yes, she is an 'easy target' - but that is her choice.
Fact of the matter is, many do what she has done..make their money then run.

I think the point some people make is that she no longer needs the money. She has made enough for life, and has other business ventures which can keep her out of the public eye.

Kate chooses to live in the public gaze, which is why she is still modelling ~ although she has admitted it won't be long before she has to quit. She enjoys it..and luckily we don't all have to look at her!
i do understand where your comming from, but i just feel its kinda judging her for the way she looks, i know what you say about the way she acts too. I dont know...i think its just a case of different opinions, but i really dont think she's a bad mum/person, just a bit different to the norm, but i like different:-) but for the record (in case youve got some distorted mental image of me with inflated naked boobs popping out, lol)i havent ever got my boobs out in public, except for breastfeeding, but hey thats another discussion in itself!!
Ah... now we know your secret missrandom...

haha. nice to see we can have a debate about this and not lower the tone to personal insults like lots of the "men" have been doing recently. I always did love a good debate:-)
Ooooh, now I'm curious...! I have had a break from AB for about 6 months (I was away) and only came back on Wednesday so I've missed any "men" lowering the tone.

Is it still the 'usual suspects' who seem incapable of having different opinions and end up having p1ss1ng competitions every evening?

Men... Can't live with them. Can't live with them. Lol.

haha well, ive only been on here for 3 months, so I am pretty new, but no they seriously lowered the tone, like being really sick lowering the tone! I do believe they've stopped today

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