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Are strict new laws aimed at stopping homophobic abuse going to help?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Wed 10th Oct 2007 | Law
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Jack Straw has announced strict new laws aimed at stopping homophobic abuse, even leading to jail sentences in extreme cases. But is this really going to help improve the situation?

  • No. You can't control what people think and homophobic behaviour will still continue away from listening ears. - 284 votes
  • 52%
  • There should be laws in place, but the government needs to look at changing public perceptions as well as punishing people. - 172 votes
  • 31%
  • Yes. Strict laws are the only way to make people realise that homophobic abuse is unacceptable. - 50 votes
  • 9%
  • Laws are a good idea but making them too strict may make people paranoid, so the government needs to think carefully. - 41 votes
  • 8%

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Are strict new laws aimed at stopping homophobic abuse going to help?

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